First Haligtree Medallion Half
Talk to Albus in the Village of Albinaurics. If you don't know where the village is, go to the southernmost edge of the lake in Linura and head west until you find a poisonous pool. Look around from there and you'll see a path leading up a cliff, which will take you to the Village. Once you get to the Site of Grace in the Village, head up the slope to the east. At the end of the path is a cliff and a pot. Attack the pot to reveal Albus and talk to him to get your medallion. He tells you to seek an "Albinauric Woman," whom you can find in the Lakeside Crystal Cave; but you don't need to talk to her to continue with this guide. He merely points you in the right direction if you don't know where to go next. If you haven't completed any of the main story quests, you need to do that before you can continue. You'll have enough of the main story completed once you have at least 2 Great Runes, reached Mountaintop of the Giants, and can defeat the main boss of the Royal Capital.
Second Haligtree Medallion Half
Loot the chest in Castle Sol. You can find Castle Sol in the northernmost point of Mountaintop of the Giants. It's filled with tough enemies and one of the toughest bosses in the game, Commander Niall. The chest is located in a room immediately after defeating Commander Niall. If you don't want to hear the never-ending bell while you're in the area, go to the Walking Mausoleum and knock off skull-shaped objects on its feet. It should stop moving. Note that you'll want to defeat this NPC for more treasures including an incantation!
Navigating Castle Sol
You'll first encounter two Lion Guardians. But as soon as they are defeated, loot the seated corpse on the right for a Golden Rune. Straight ahead from the entrance, look under a body and you'll find a Smithing Stone too.
Go past the spiked barricades and up the north stairs. Behind the first door on your left is a Nascent Butterfly; but slugs will drop from above when you approach it.
Climb the ladder and loot another body that's hanging over the edge. You'll get 5 Fan Daggers.
Keep going along this path and you'll trigger ranged fights. This time, you've grabbed the attention of ballista operators and a soldier throwing fire-pots. After defeating them, loot another Golden Rune from a body past the curved wooden walkway. After looting, you'll draw attention from another ballista operator, but you can dodge the projectiles and continue up the ramp to get in melee range of these enemies. Grab another Smithing Stone from a nearby corpse after you dispatch all enemies attacking you.
Slide down the ladder to the "Sorcerer" Painting puzzle item. Open the door and defeat the 3 wolves waiting for you. To the east, you can find 3 Thawfrost Boluses, but watch out for the flame-spewing Warhawk.
Follow the walkway around the west side. You'll find 5 Freezing Grease on a corpse.
Return to the Warhawk area and continue down the north path. You'll go through a doorway, head up more stairs, then find a courtyard. The area looks empty, but there are several ghostly soldiers. They will materialize in the courtyard, 2 melee and 1 archer. Defeat the 2 melee soldiers, then head up the stairs to loot another Golden Rune and find 2 more ghostly soldiers. Defeat both of them to continue.
Go up the main stairs to the south. You'll be attacked by a powerful spectral knight. Defeat him and the archer, then grab the Thawfrost Bolus from the defeated archer.
Go up the ladder. To your right is a Smithing Stone; on the other side of the bridge is a Golden Rune.
Continue on this path to get a Stonesword Key. As you're walking down the path, you'll need to defeat 2 wolves and a spectral halberd knight.
Backtrack to the Church of the Eclipse site of grace. You can go back across the bridges and down the ladder. Alternatively, you can jump down to the site of grace. Save here, but you're only halfway done.
Pick up the Eclipse Shotel. It's on the other side of the church.
Go to the rampart. Head outside and to the right to find a ladder that leads to ramparts. Defeat the archers there, then continue.
Follow the rampart to the wooden walkway. There's a deadly dual-wielding knight waiting for you below the rampart. Once you dispatch the knight, loot a Cerulean Amber Medallion +1 from a ledge.
Backtrack to the top rampart and jump to the roof below. The rampart is the area where you defeated the archers earlier.
Go down the ladder. Kill some rats, then loot a Smithing Stone from a corpse. Go out the door, to the right, and you'll find a Rune Arc near a burning brazier.
Fast travel back to the Church of the Eclipse. It's faster than trying to navigate back.
Go outside through the doorway straight ahead. Last time you were here, you went right to the rampart, but you aren't doing that this time. Instead, go straight and through the doorway. You'll immediately see three crawling Albinaurics with annoying grab attacks. Look up to find that there's one more Albinauric Sorcerer hanging from the ceiling. Dispatch the sorcerer immediately since they summon spectral knights, which can easily overwhelm you.
Go upstairs. You'll find another Smithing Stone on a body upstairs and another Albinauric Sorcerer hanging from the ceiling. Defeat them quickly so they can't summon help.
Pull the lever in the courtyard. This summons the castle's shortcut lift. Ride the lift down and straight ahead to find Furlcalling Finger Remedy. From this, you can gather that the Commander Niall boss fight is a group-effort instead of something easily soloable.
Fast travel to Castle Sol Main Gate. This site of grace is geographically further from the fight than the site at Church of the Eclipse, but there are no enemies between Castle Sol's Main Gate and the elevator. Tips to beating Commander Niall include: Boost lightning damage negation. Use the Boltdrake Talisman if you have it and/or Lightningproof Dried Liver. Use the right armor for powerful physical attacks. You'll encounter 2 types of damage: lightning and physical. Summon your own spirits. Commander Niall summons 2 spirits during his fight, so you should get some help as well. Kill the dual-sword spirit immediately. Since dodging attacks from 3 enemies is tough, make your life a little easier by getting rid of one that does the most damage. Keep the shield-spirit around as long as you can. If you've summoned spirits, they will focus on the shield-spirit, leaving you to focus on Commander Niall. If you defeat both spirits immediately, Phase 2 triggers ahead-of-schedule, which makes the fight harder for you.
Using the Medallions
Go to the base of Grand Lift of Rold. This is the lift you use to travel between Forbidden Lands and the Mountaintops of the Giants. Use your D-pad's left or right buttons to select the "Hoist secret medallion" option. This initially says "Hoist medallion", but you want to make sure it says "Secret" for this to work. The lift will take you down to Consecrated Snowfield. This is also called the "Hidden Path to the Haligtree dungeon". You can skip doing the dungeon for now and head up the stairs and travel north to Ordina, Liturgical Town. You'll encounter some sites of grace so you can save, and avoid the giant Spectral Dragonkin Soldiers.
Solving the Ordina, Liturgical Town/Evergaol Puzzle
Get the Black Knife Armor. Explore the outer wall to the north to find the armor, which makes you quieter. There aren't any enemies in this area, so don't worry about fighting right now! You will want two things to continue: the Unseen Form spell (you get it by completing the Mirage Rise puzzle) and the Sentry's Torch (you can purchase it near Leyndell).
Enter the Evergaol. The Evergaol transporter is on the north side of Ordina. You'll see what looks like an exact copy of Ordina at night, but there are lots of invisible Black Knife Assassins. These assassins are extremely hard to kill and pack a punch, so you want to avoid them as much as possible. This is a stealth mission. Use the Sentry's Torch from the Hermit Merchant's Shack to reveal hidden assassins. The shack is near the outer wall of Leyndell.
Light the first candle. Turn west immediately after entering and jump over a short wall to the ground below. Make sure the patrolling assassin isn't in your path, then continue around the western edge of the town until you reach a ladder. Climb the ladder to light the first fire. Note that the candles you light will not despawn if you die. You only need to light a candle once.
Light the second candle. Climb back down the ladder and go south around town. Up the stairs near the site of grace is an assassin who you can't avoid. Defeat him and light the second candle.
Light the third candle. Go back to the main stairs and follow the railing carefully (avoiding any assassins in the way). You'll want to skirt a building that has barrels around it. Continue around the building and several corners and you'll reach another ladder. Climb the ladder and light the third candle.
Light the fourth candle. Look out across the rooftops and you should see a path that leads north across the rooftops to the last flame. If you have it, cast Unseen Form, so you can move across the rooftops without alerting the rooftop archers. After lighting the fourth candle, you'll be returned to the overworld. You can go to the top of the stairway on the town's north side to use a teleporter to Miquella's Haligtree. If you're having trouble navigating the city, explore the overworld version more. The Ordina version doesn't have enemies, so you can explore the city and pathways without fear of dying. If you die in the Evergaol, you can collect your Runes and items from your corpse from the overworld without enemies.
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