Can you see when someone was last online on Discord?
No, you can't explicitly see when someone was last online. Unlike some messaging apps, you won't see what day or time a Discord user was last logged on. However, there are ways to check if the user was active recently, such as the new "Recent Activity" feature. Keep in mind this feature must be enabled by the user to work. Alternatively, you can check their regular status to see if they're Online, Idle, or Busy.
What is Recent Activity?
Members List Recent Activity can show recent games or app usage. If a Discord user has this feature enabled, plays games and activities that support Rich Presence, or has connected accounts such as Crunchyroll and Spotify, you will be able to see their recent activity in multiple places on Discord. The Members List Recent Activity shows when a friend in a shared server last engaged in an activity and how long the session lasted. Normal Recent Activity can show activity happening currently.
Checking Members List Recent Activity (Desktop)
Navigate to a shared server. The Members List Recent Activity is an experimental feature that can be found in public or private servers. This needs to be a server you share with a user, and you must be added friends.
Look for the activity card. On desktop, this is in the right panel of the server, above the list of members. You should see the user's username along with the activity name, when it was played, and how long it was played for. If you don't see this, the user may have this feature disabled.
Checking Members List Recent Activity (Mobile)
Open your Discord home page. The Members List Recent Activity is an experimental feature that can be found in public or private servers. To see this activity, you must be in the same server as the user and be added friends.
Look for the activity card. On mobile, this is at the top of your home page. You should see the user's username along with the activity name, when it was played, and how long it was played for. If you don't see this, the user may have this feature disabled.
Checking Recent Activity
Navigate to the user's profile. You can select them from your friend list or find them in the member list of a mutual server.
View the activity. You can find the current activity underneath the message and call icons. If the user is currently engaged in an activity, you'll see it here along with the elapsed time since beginning.
Checking Activity Status
Navigate to the user's profile. You can select them from your friend list or find them in the member list of a mutual server.
Look for the activity status symbol. This is at the bottom corner of their profile picture. Green/Available: currently online on Discord Yellow/Idle: signed into Discord, but most likely away from the computer or device. Red/Busy: signed into Discord and has notifications silenced. Grey/Offline: signed off of Discord or set as Invisible (activity status hidden and appearing offline).
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