Women prefer housekeeping to love
Women prefer housekeeping to love
A study discovered that women find domestic chores therapeutic and felt it was more satisfactory than sex.

London: The modern woman fought her way through a world dominated by men and demanded equality in every field - even at home. There was a time when chores were equally divided between men and women.

The men did not necessarily like this but had to cave in nonetheless.

Now there is good news for all those idle men out there who hate lifting even a finger at home.

An online study, commissioned by the Discovery Home and Health website discovered that women find domestic chores therapeutic.

The Independent Daily reported that "though women are making advancing economically at a frentic pace, one thing that gives them the ultimate sense of empowerment is to go around the house with a vaccum cleaner - followed by some vigourous cleaning and dusting"

The study also calculated that the average woman spends nine years, two months and 25 days of her waking life cleaning and tidying.

However, before all the lazy men out there are elated by this bit of news, there is a flip side to the coin.

These women also prefer housekeeping to making love.

Fifty-nine per cent of the women who were interviewed by the surveyors said that cleaning made them feel in control of their lives while others said they found it mentally therapeutic.

The Independent Daily was quoted as saying that, "Where 20 years ago housework was seen by many as a sign of female subjugation, the tide appears to have turned."

Most of the women who were included in the study said that they usually got into depression if their homes were a mess and that disorder and confusion caused tension.

The survey found that the 2000 strong women gave more priority to cleaning and felt that it was more satisfactory than sex.

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