What will free bird Paris do now?
What will free bird Paris do now?
What does the future hold for Paris Hilton? The hotel heiress herself may have provided some insight.

Lynwood (California): What does the future hold for Paris Hilton? The hotel heiress herself may have provided some insight.

The day she went to jail, Paris said the whole ordeal had already helped her realize what's important.

“You know, even though this is a scary thing, I'm using it in a positive way and when I come out, I can't wait to start my new life and be even stronger than I am right now,” she said.

Perhaps she will get involved with children's charities or cancer research. At least that's what she told ABC’s Barbara Walters.

“I was very pleased when Paris called me. She called collect which is what prisoners have to do. She talked about being a changed person. I'm sure what she's going through has changed her,” said TV journalist and host Barbara Walters

Hilton said she believed God had given her a new chance. She told Walters she spent time reading the Bible.

She vowed to never again drink and drive, which, of course, is what led to her incarceration.

She was caught driving on a suspended license twice and the judge ordered she spend 45 days in jail.

Legal experts, across the board, said those convicted of similar crimes, would be sentenced to far less time.

With good behavior, Paris served just over three weeks. Now the question is: how will she behave in the future?

What's next for the hotel heiress? Well, that depends on what you read though some of it sounds a bit ridiculous.

There's a report that she may have a big bash in Las Vegas for close friends and family.

There's also a report that she wants to start a halfway house for those who have been incarcerated like herself, to help people who have been in jail get back on their feet.

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