Taking on challenges of the world
Taking on challenges of the world
BANGALORE: CJC MUN 2011, an intercollegiate Model United Nations conference, organised by Christ Junior College commenced recently..

BANGALORE: CJC MUN 2011, an intercollegiate Model United Nations conference, organised by Christ Junior College commenced recently with an inaugural ceremony presided by Justice N Santosh Hegde.Shri P Manivannan IAS, managing director, BESCOM was the guest of honour.The air in the DVK Auditorium at Christ University Campus was brimming with anticipation and marked confidence in the morning before the event began.All the participants seemed ready to take on the challenges of the world they may face in the near future with their well-researched stance on issues that confronted the nations that they were representing.The issues ranged from the Role of World Body in Preventing Global Environmental Crisis with Special Reference to the Ozone Layer Depletion and Ecosystem Sustainability to other issues such as Role of the World Body in Ensuring the Protection of the Social Security of Refugees, Mitigation of the Economic Implications of International Terrorism in the 21st Century and the Role of the World Body in regulating the illegal trade and possession of nuclear material and technology.Justice Santosh Hegde impressed upon the audience how the change should not be restricted to our nation alone but be transformational to the world at large and voiced his vision of a transformation that would change the world for the better.P Manivannan involved both the delegates and audience in his speech by emphasising the importance of participating.He said that it took courage to make a difference in the world and stressed upon not worrying about what other people think.Identical to the vision and mission of Christ Junior College he stressed on the holistic development of students.The audience also had an interactive session with Justice Santosh Hegde.Most of the questions touched on current socio-political issues.One such question was If India believes in the rule of, ‘of the people by the people and for the people’ then why is it that it now is ‘of the ministers, for the ministers and by the ministers’? In response, Justice Santosh Hegde observed that when Babasaheb Ambedkar and the constituent assembly envisaged the constitution, they wanted it to be as representative and inclusive as possible; one reason why they decided against having stringent qualifications for being an elected representative.However, today our representatives feel that law making is only their prerogative and the citizen’s opinion is completely ignored.He questioned the commitment of most of our representatives who obstruct the parliament first and then pass important bills sans any discussion.He also felt that there is a need to have an assessment audit of every representative that we elect so that we can make informed choice in the next election.He particularly emphasised his faith in the youth of the nation and proved this by citing the number of educational institutions he had visited.Overall, the function was intellectually stimulating for the eager participants and provided food for thought for the interested audience.

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