Protests to greet Bush in Pakistan
Protests to greet Bush in Pakistan
Anti-US protests erupted across Pakistan, with crowds burning American flags and chanting "Death to Bush" hours before Bush's arrival.

Islamabad (Pakistan): Anti-US protests erupted across Pakistan, with crowds burning American flags and chanting "Death to Bush" hours before US President George W Bush was to arrive for a visit to show solidarity in the war on terror.

Police swung batons as they dispersed about 1,000 protesters, mostly students, in the city of Rawalpindi, just a few kilometers from where Bush's plane was expected to land.

Some chanted "Killer go back" and "Death to America" during the half-hour protest.

Meanwhile, Pakistan has promised ironclad security for Bush's two-day visit.

Anti-aircraft guns were set up on the hills and buildings near the air force base where Bush's jet was to touch down late on Friday, said a senior intelligence official.

Over 1,000 protestors marched to the US Consulate in Karachi on Friday.

Police used tear gas and batons to stop the stone-throwing crowd that came within 200 meters of the building.

Over 300 university students rallied in Islamabad, burning an effigy of Bush.

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