Three sisters named Ganga Hegade, Shaila Hegade and Medha Hegade are in the news for their successful business involving banana products. According to Local 18 Kannada, they hail from Shivamogga’s Hosahalli village, Sirsi-Kumta National Highway, Karnataka. The sisters had humble beginnings in the business during the coronavirus lockdown. They started their business titled Shree Ram Enterprises with a modest sum of Rs 1,000.
They initially started by selling bananas to a limited number of people during the lockdown period which remained unsold. The sisters then sought the guidance of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and ground flour from the bananas. The banana flour sales started to succeed and the sister’s business soon became famous to a massive audience. The Shree Ram Enterprises’ turnover has now increased to lakhs.
People have started using these banana products as an alternative to maida-based foods. Ganga Hegade, Shaila Hegade and Medha Hegade have now manufactured Banana sambar powder and banana powder chakkuli mix. They have also created banana nippattu powder, banana powder dosa mix, banana powder soups and many other varieties. Banana Baji Powder is the shop’s highlight. These products are currently being sold in Shirsi, Mangaluru, Bengaluru.
As per Local18 Kannada, these sisters have manufactured these banana delicacies in their homes only. They complete all the tasks related to the food products manufacturing themselves. They have not hired any workers for the work. Another highlight of their enterprise is that they have observed cleanliness while making the delicacies. This will ensure the cleanliness of their workplace and hygienic foods. The sisters have also taken care of the food product packaging which is of prime importance in any business survival. The customers are prompted to buy the food products after seeing an item’s attractive food packaging.
Ganga Hegade, Shaila Hegade and Medha Hegade have also noted down the food product’s ingredients and their detailed benefits for health. A prime ingredient in their foods is the Brahmi Malt. The sisters have described that why they have used the Brahmi Malt in their products. They have advised the customers to store these products in an air-tight container and dry place.
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