Breath activates all our hidden talents
Breath activates all our hidden talents

As we gain greater and greater control over our breath, all our hidden talents, potential, skills and powers will be accessed and activated by the five vital airs. Then we will suddenly discover that we are natural poets, artists, inventors, writers, dancers, organisers, cooks, athletes and so on and so forth. We will discover marvellous secrets about ourselves and the cosmos around us.

Many inventions, discoveries and spiritual insights are just waiting for us to discover them. Remember, ‘discover’ means just to ‘uncover’ or remove the cover that conceals something that already exists.

While many scientists, artists and poets may have to wait for the ‘creative mood’ to come upon them, we will be creative 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year when we breathe with awareness and meditate on activating our breath. It fills us with the light of knowledge for our thinking, the light of love for our feeling, the light of inspiration for our aspirations, the light of intuition for our ideas and the light of discrimination that shows us how to live life as it should be lived.

My friend, today you are standing at the threshold of your mysterious inner world. As your powers are activated one by one, you must be careful to use them with humility, selflessness and love for your own welfare and the welfare of all beings. For the next three days as you meditate upon these wonders of your breath, begin your meditation with the resolve, “I am entering the realm of the divine powers within me. I do not know what powers are hidden inside waiting to be activated by my breath. As and when they are activated, let my Soul guide me and show me how I should use them, both for myself and selflessly for the welfare of the world.” After you have prepared yourself in this way for three days, we will practice a few breathing techniques that will help you to achieve success in all your endeavours.

Achieving Success through Breath and Breathing Techniques

My dear friend, you have now understood how the five vital airs operate within you. You have realised that by regulating your breath you can comprehend the subtle truths about all your five sheaths of consciousness. You are aware that when you harness your breath in the right way, both your body and mind are stabilised and established beyond the reach of karma.

You know that your breath will activate all the hidden talents, skills and potential in you and you have made a resolve to use this selflessly for the welfare of the world. So, today let us go a little deeper and understand how to achieve focus in meditation and success in all our endeavours by regulating our breath through some crucial breathing techniques. 

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