What does “guapo” mean in Spanish?
“Guapo” is a Spanish masculine adjective that means “good-looking.” It can also mean “handsome,” and is used to describe masculine nouns, including people or objects. Calling someone “Guapo” can mean you think they’re attractive, but it can also allude to confidence, charisma, and charm. It’s pronounced “GWAA-Poh, with emphasis on the first syllable. Similar Spanish words include “hermoso,” which officially means “handsome,” and “bonito,” which is a less bold version of “hermoso.” Similarly, “guapísimo” (pronounced Gwah-PEE-see-Moh) means “very handsome.” The female equivalent to “guapo” is “guapa,” meaning “pretty,” which, along with “bonita,” “hermosa,” and “linda,” are all compliments for a “beautiful woman” in Spanish. The opposite of “guapo” is “feo,” the masculine Spanish word for “ugly.” It also applies to both people and objects. The female equivalent to “feo” is “fea.”
How to Use “Guapo” in a Sentence
Spanish adjectives like “guapo” must agree to the gender of its noun. Since “guapo” is masculine, it needs to describe a masculine noun. A “handsome man” would read, “Un hombre guapo.” If you were to describe a “pretty woman,” it would look like, “Una mujer guapa.” “Guapo” can also be used as a noun. You can call someone “el guapo,” which means “handsome man” or “gallant” in English.
“Guapo" is most commonly used as a term of affection. Unlike “hermoso” and “bonito,” “guapo” is used more often in everyday language. It can appear as an adjective to a masculine noun or as part of a larger phrase. Different phrases using “guapo” include friendly greetings, flirty compliments, and instructions on “looking good.” You can also exchange “guapo” with “lindo” to say “cute” in Spanish. “Muy guapo”: Very handsome. “Él es guapo”: He’s handsome. “Estás guapo”: You look handsome. “Hola, guapo”: Hi, handsome (or cutie). “Que guapo”: How handsome. “Ponte guapo”: Make yourself handsome or Get all decked out. “Estar guapo”: To look handsome. “Un hombre guapo”: A handsome man. “Qué pasa, guapo?”: What’s up, handsome? “Te quiero, guapo”: I love you, handsome. “Besos, guapo”: Kisses, guapo. “El guapo”: The handsome man/guy.
Is “guapo” a flirty word?
You can use “guapo” when talking to your crush or significant other. You might say, “Eres guapo,” which means “you are handsome,” or “estás guapo,” meaning “you look handsome” (in the moment). Guapo can be either a friendly or romantic term of endearment. It’s just as common to greet someone you’re friends with by saying, “Hola, guapo” as it is to call your crush, “muy guapo” when saying a flirty good night in Spanish.
Spanish speakers say “guapo” to mean “good-looking” or “hot.” It’s also common to hear “guapo” used in a friendly way or as a flirty compliment in Spain and other Spanish-speaking cultures. In the Dominican Republic, “guapo” can also mean “furious” or “angry.” Keep this in mind if you want to call a Dominican man “guapo.”
Is “guapo” a compliment?
“Guapo” is traditionally a way to tell a guy he’s good-looking. You can call someone “guapo” when you think he’s handsome, hot, or attractive. Many Spanish speakers greet a man by saying “Hola, guapo.” For example, a cashier in a cafe may hand coffee to a good-looking man and say “Aquí tienes, guapo” (“Here you go, handsome”). It’s also possible to use “El Guapo” (meaning “the handsome man”) as a sarcastic term for someone who isn’t attractive. In the film The Three Amigos, the unattractive villain in the film was named “El Guapo.”
Similar Spanish Words & Phrases to Compliment a Man’s Looks
Other Spanish words and phrases can compliment a guy’s looks. Single words include “hermoso,” “bonito,” “lindo,” and “precioso.” There are also plenty of unique Spanish slang phrases that act as terms of endearment for those you adore. Simple examples include “mi rey,” meaning, “my king.” More interesting slang choices include “papi chulo,” which means “handsome daddy.” Hermoso: Means “beautiful"; a much bolder way to compliment a guy. Bonito: The masculine form of “bonita,” meaning “pretty”; less commonly used for guys. Precioso: Means “cute” or “darling,” so more often used as “preciosa” for a woman or a child. Lindo: The male equivalent to “linda,” meaning “pretty” or “neat” in a less robust way. Querido: Means “dear.” Caliento: Means “hot.” Cariño: Means “darling,” “sweetheart,” or “honey.” Mi rey: Means “my king.” Mi viejo: Means “my old man.” Mi corazón: Means “my heart.” Mi vida: Means “my life.” Media naranja: Means “soul mate” or “better half.” Papi: Means “daddy.” Papi chulo: Means “handsome daddy.”
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