When earning more tips, good service and a polite attitude towards customers have always worked for servers. Often, the servers’ presentable looks also help please them. However, just trying different hairstyles throughout her shifts at work helped a woman earn a lot of tips. Going by the ‘server hair theory’, the woman documented her different hairstyles and shared how her hair looks could impact the amount of money she made in a shift. Sam McCall shared a video on her TikTok handle saying “Trying the server hair theory to see what gets me more tips”, reported Independent.
According to the video, she styled her long brown hair with a colourful headscarf and earned $310 (approx Rs 26,000) as tips. The next day, she made Dutch braids with her bands across her forehead and surprisingly, the amount went up to $428 (approx Rs 36,000). On Day 3, McCall tried a messy bun. She revealed that it fetched her $392 (approx Rs 33,000) as tips.
In another shift, she continued experimenting with her hairstyles and made $465 (approx Rs 39,000), the highest amount of money out of the four shifts that she mentioned.
As the video went viral, many took to the comment section and shared their reactions. Some even admitted that they prefer servers with a tidy hairstyle. A user wrote, “That’s a lot of money for one day,” while another commented, “My daughter swears she makes more when she wears pigtails.” “My daughter swears space buns are the best,” a person stated.
Amid a lot of suggestions about best practices for enhancing customer experiences, the hair theory has gained immense popularity. Earlier, another TikToker shared how her pigtail hairstyles helped her earn more tips. She began by earning $155 (approx Rs 13,000) for a normal ponytail and $103 for a low bum. However, the amount started increasing with some experimentation. She earned $188 (approx Rs 8,500 for half-up pigtails, $197 (approx Rs 16,500) for bubble braid pigtails, and $283 (approx Rs 23.600) for French braid pigtails. According to The Daily Dot, the woman’s hairstyle caught a lot of attention, as many agreed that pigtails are popular among big tippers.
Reacting to her video, a user noted, “I did it once and it worked but didn’t like the stares of older men,” while another commented, “Pigtails making the most always makes me a little bit sad.” “I get the most compliments from old men when I’m wearing braided pigtails, it’s disturbing but it works,” an individual also shared.
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