Man Claims He Experienced Death For 20 Minutes And A Mysterious Presence During Thumb Surgery
Man Claims He Experienced Death For 20 Minutes And A Mysterious Presence During Thumb Surgery
The man experienced an out-of-body experience and even saw the efforts of medical professionals to bring him back to life.

The concept of the afterlife has long been an intriguing subject and debate among individuals, each having their own perspective. However, the extraordinary experience of one man named Scott Drummond may make you believe in the concept. Now in his 60s, the man recently made a revelation from his past and revealed that at the age of 28, he had a near-death experience for almost 20 minutes after a surgical procedure went wrong. Scott allegedly experienced an out-of-body experience and even saw the efforts of medical professionals to bring him back to life. He also recalled feeling someone’s presence, possibly a God.

The supernatural experience following a skiing accident has left a major impact on his life. In an interview with Prioritize Your Life, Scott recalls the moment when a nurse accidentally killed him.

In the YouTube video, Scott explained, “I was sitting in the operating room and the doctor put a sheet between me and my right hand and my right thumb was torn down. There was a nurse and she mentioned to the doctor that she’d never done a tourniquet before and the doctor said that he’d talked her through it. All of a sudden, I had the sensation of something going up my arm, it crossed into my heart and the next thing I knew I was above my body watching the operation. Though it was unique, I wasn’t by myself, I had someone right beside me watching and I watched every stitch that was put into my thumb. I watched the nurse go running out of the room saying that, ‘I killed him’.”

The man then recounts sitting beside another person, despite not physically seeing them and communication between them happened telepathically. Although Scott Drummond could see the doctors and medical staff, he was unable to hear anything between himself and the other’s presence.

The man then explained, “I can remember I was sitting above watching the surgery and then I was told, ‘okay, it’s time to go,’ and I remember I could never look back, it was instructed never to look back again.”

Later, when he looked to his left, he saw tall-looking trees and suddenly, the individual who accompanied him vanished and left him alone. However, rather than feeling concerned, Scoot claimed that it was a peaceful experience.

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