It’s Official! OnePlus is Fully Committed to India
It’s Official! OnePlus is Fully Committed to India
The OnePlus Music Festival with Katy Perry in Mumbai is slotted for November.

How to have a lot of fun with very little? A college-goer will have all the answers. It was totally cool to be young, free and always broke. We would never miss the most happening events, like the unforgettable OnePlus fan meet-up in my lovely city of Bengaluru. Why was it a big deal you ask? Firstly, it was the first meet-up of this kind in the world. Secondly, my Instagram followers shot up by a few thousands, thanks to the many OnePlus fans in India, who eagerly wanted to know what was happening at the event.

The year was 2014 and it was unusual to suddenly gain that kind of social media popularity on Instagram. The following year, when I started applying for jobs in advertising, I would cite that experience of ‘engaging with my audience’ at the meet-up. It worked as a great strategy with potential employers and even bagged me a full-time job. It made me realise that OnePlus had gone beyond being just a smartphone; it was truly a lifestyle akin to cricket in India.

Now, when I read about OnePlus launching an R&D centre in Hyderabad and announcing an investment of INR 1000 crore, it makes me marvel at their commitment. This research centre with a hyperlocal approach aims to fulfil any gaps in India’s demand from mobile technology. From software to design and their much loved camera, each mobile spec will be geared towards the Indian customer.

The brand is unveiling the OnePlus smart TV with android software in September Once again, it’s an India-first approach. As we plan gifts for Diwali, our options just got brighter!

Recently, the CEO announced that they would start manufacturing the phone in India and was also considering export. OnePlus is now in over 1500 stores in the country, while it does not have an official offline channel anywhere else in the world. I often wonder how many jobs were created in India because of OnePlus.

The best is saved for the last. It’s the OnePlus Music Festival with Katy Perry in Mumbai slotted for November. Bookings for early access have already begun on their website.

As I rewind back to my college days and think about that very first meet-up of an intimate gathering with a handful of over-enthusiastic loyal fans, the incredible journey of OnePlus makes me reflect on its commitment to India. It truly upholds it core value - Never Settle!

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