National Green Tribunal Official Tested Positive for Coronavirus
National Green Tribunal Official Tested Positive for Coronavirus
According to a notification issued by the NGT, the official, posted in General Administration section of the Principal Bench here, had last attended the office on May 19 and is presently hospitalized.

An official posted at the National Green tribunal has been found Corona positive.

According to a notification issued by the NGT, the official, posted in General Administration section of the Principal Bench here, had last attended the office on May 19 and is presently hospitalized.

"All necessary protocols are being followed. Contact tracing is in progress and high risk contacts shall be asked to self quarantine for 14 days. The NGT (PB) premises shall remain under deep sanitization and with effect from May 23, 2020, no officer/staff/lawyers/litigants/public shall be permitted to have access to the NGT (PB) premises.

Further decision shall be taken as per the advice of health authorities on May 25, 2020," a notification issued by the tribunal said.

The NGT had earlier issued instructions regarding its functioning stating that the Chairperson, Members and officers (Deputy Registrars and above) will attend the Office with 100 per cent attendance.

As for the remaining staff, up to 33 per cent of the strength will physically attend the office as separately notified from time to time, the NGT had said.

According to the office order issued by the NGT, the section heads/incharge of all sections shall prepare rosters of staff required to attend office physically by rotation and the staff members not required to present physically at the office.

It had said that only online filing (e-filing) of cases will be allowed and no physical filing is permitted.

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