Can You Differentiate Between Physical and Emotional Hunger?
Can You Differentiate Between Physical and Emotional Hunger?
Instead of focusing on the opinions of other people, it is important to be mindful enough to listen to the demands of your body

Everyday the internet bombards you with tons of fitness trends and diet ideas. Be it Instagram or Twitter, social media platforms consistently spark fads and recommendations around health and lifestyle. It is of paramount importance that each individual understands the needs and temperament of their body. The way to achieve a healthy body is by acting upon the answer which comes from within. These answers are not available in magazines, neither can it be found by looking into the actions of your friends. Instead of focusing on the opinions of other people, it is important to be mindful enough to listen to the demands of your body.

Life coach Luke Coutinho recently shared a post on Instagram that talks about mindful eating. Luke urged his followers to practice what works for them. Through a lengthy caption, he advised to “plan your own path with mindfulness and reason.” His caption said, “So I will eat when I’m hungry. Other days when I eat with or before sunset, I may be hungrier in the morning after my fasted workout and I will eat because that’s what works for me.”

In his post, he asked whether you would or would not skip breakfast? The answer is not a given. Luke said while some people need morning fuel, others don’t. He also recommended eating if hungry because your body guides you the best if you can listen attentively and deeply.

In the caption, he mentioned, “Get out of the box you put yourself into and start listening to your body. Stop living on fear, created by the outside world of opinions of people. People in boxes rarely hit their goals and in fact get more frustrated because it doesn’t work for them in the long run.”

To conclude, he advised his followers to decide “which category are you in?” If you have been fasting since sunset the previous day, eat if you are feeling hungry when you start your day. On the other hand, if your last meal the previous night was late, wait until you feel hungry and eat only when you do.

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