Read: Congress manifesto for Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2012
Read: Congress manifesto for Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2012
Read the full text of the Congress party's manifesto for the UP Assembly polls 2012.

With an eye on the crucial Dalit and the other backward castes vote bank, the Congress promised sub-quota for backward Muslims based on their population and would also explore sub-quota for most backward Dalits.









1. Law and Order

2. Corruption Free Good Governance

3. Justice and Law

4. Panchayats and Gram Sabhas


5. Education

6. Health

7. Employment

8. Food Security

9. Women

10. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

11. Most Backward Classes

12. Elderly, Widows and Disabled

13. Minorities

14. Youth

15. Social Justice

16. Social Harmony


17. Power

18. Roads

19. Other Infrastructure

20. Agriculture

21. Industry

22. Urban and Rural Development

23. Environment and Water

24. Trade and Commerce


25. Smaller States

26. Special Cell for Implementation of the Manifesto


- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve a STATE where they can live wholesome lives in peace, prosperity, harmony and security

- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve the opportunity to grow, economically and socially, and to make their aspirations a reality

- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve the promise of protection from violence and crime, a STATE where their women and children are free from fear

- The People of Uttar Pradesh, and particularly its youth, deserve the benefits of higher education and training so they may compete with the world

- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve to participate in the economic revolution and contribute to the growth story of India

- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve a STATE where the cultures of its people can thrive and flourish instead of being stifled and suffocated

- The People of Uttar Pradesh deserve to reap the benefits of our nation's growth instead of being forced to watch as mute spectators




Vision For 2020: NAV Uttar Pradesh

The Congress Party will restore UP to its rightful place in the country. A UP that once again shows the entire country the way.


- A UP where good governance is restored and corruption eliminated

- A UP where everyone feels secure, and atrocities against weaker sections are stopped


- A UP that unleashes the energy and the potential of the poor, the youth, women, dalits, minorities, tribals and backward classes, through real empowerment

- A UP where high quality education and healthcare is available to every citizen - A UP where every farmer has a secure livelihood a UP that takes its rightful place at the forefront of Indian agriculture and dairy


- A UP where the youth have many employment opportunities and are no longer forced to leave the state to find jobs

- A UP with vibrant cities and towns that become hubs for industry, commerce and economic growth

- A UP with world class infrastructure, where every village is connected with roads and public transport, and where electricity & water is available to all


The Congress Party believes that the BSP government has failed on ALL fronts The Outgoing State Government has instead ensured a systematic siphoning of the State's resources to ensure the personal enrichment of its members who have turned governance into a cynical business

Corruption has reached its peak:

- The State of Uttar Pradesh has been shocked and shaken by scandals. Implementation of Central Schemes has been turned into a loot

- Rs 5,000 crore meant for provision of healthcare to the rural poor have been siphoned off by the State government

* CBI has, on the instructions of the Court, had to step in to investigate the irregularities in the National Rural Health Mission

* In a clear indictment of the BSP Government and the Chief Minister, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India has found a mega-scam to the tune of Rs 5,000 crores in implementation of National Rural Health Mission and submitted its Report to the Governor

- Scams in implementation of the flagship Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Scheme of the Central Government have been found across UP, including Balrampur, Gonda, Mahoba, Sonbhadra, Sant Kabir Nagar, Mirzapur and Kushinagar districts

* The Chief Minister has ignored demands for a CBI probe into the MNREGA scam, clearly indicating that the State government has a lot to hide

- Similar grave irregularities have been found in the discharge of almost every other Centrally funded scheme

- Cases of corruption are still pending against the Chief Minister in Courts

- 31 ministers of the State Government are being investigated by the Lokayukta

- 21 ministers have been made to resign in the last few months after being given a free reign for corruption for 4.5 years

- Voices raised in opposition are being suppressed using brute force and violence:

* Two Chief Medical Officers have been murdered and a Deputy Chief Medical Officer died under suspicious circumstances when in the custody of the State Government. Another Officer committed 'suicide' in the last few days

* A senior police officer manhandled and forcibly dumped into a mental asylum after he took on Chief Minister by alleging massive corruption in the state

Complete Breakdown of law and order situation:

- Murders are becoming bolder and more brutal

- Police Stations are not accessible to the weaker sections

- Increase in the cases of dacoity, murder and kidnaping in the state

- Many dalits and backward classes have been victims

Crimes, especially against Women and Children, are rampant:

- Increase in the cases of rape and murder of women and children

- Shamefully, some of the accused are members of the ruling party

- Attempts made by local authorities to cover up evidence

- Alarming increase in the rate of female infanticide

- Sex ratio has assumed disturbing proportions with only 910 females against 1000 males

Forced Acquisition of Land:

- The State Government has forcibly acquired huge parcels of land belonging to poor farmers for the benefit of private developers

- No hearing given to poor farmers and land snatched away without regard to impact on livelihoods

- Adverse impact on livelihoods of not just landowners but also those working on the land

- Pitiful amounts paid in the name of compensation and the land has been resold for multiple times the values

Huge Misuse of Public Funds:

- In addition to the mega-scams, there has been major misuse of public funds by in almost every scheme it is clear that money sent by the Central Government for the People of Uttar Pradesh does not reach the people, due to the corruption and mismanagement of the State government

- A package of Rs. 7000 thousand crores for development of Bundelkhand had been announced by the Central Government in November, 2009. However, this has been plagued by corruption of the State Government, and only 20 to 25% of money has been utilized by the State Government

- Over Rs. 2500 crores have been spent on parks and memorials instead of on much needed schools and hospitals

- Thousands of trees have been uprooted to make way for huge statues of the members of the ruling party, including the Chief Minister

Farmers have been cheated on every front and Cooperative Sugar Mills have been sold at throwaway prices:

- Government and Cooperative sugar mills are been sold to the private parties at throwaway prices

- Fertilizer distribution has gone into the hands of the mafia run by the karyakartas of the State ruling party and farmers are being asked to pay exorbitant prices for fertilizers

Infrastructure, especially power and roads have deteriorated beyond belief:

- The power situation in the state is very dismal, with power-cuts up to 20 hours a day. As a result common citizen is suffering, agriculture is in crisis and industry is leaving the State

- No attempts have been made to increase generation

- Shortage of power in the state has arisen from 500 MW to 2000 MW

- This is despite the fact that Plan outlay for the State had been increased by almost three times in the 11th Five Year Plan

- Roads are in a state of total disrepair sadak kam, gaddhe zyada. In many cases, road works have happened only in State government files, while no roads have come up on the ground

Livelihoods and Jobs are being snatched away:

- Unemployment has reached its peak. Unemployed youth are being forced to migrate out of Uttar Pradesh to find jobs

- Lakhs of government jobs which could be given to the unemployed youth of UP are lying vacant, leading to acute shortages of teachers, doctors, nurses and other government servants

- The state has failed to capitalize on the growth of IT and services sectors, as has been done in neighboring States

- Handloom sector involving thousands of weavers is in crisis. Thirty two spinning mills have been closed and therefore raw yarn is not available to the weavers

Deaths due to Poor Sanitation:

Basic facilities not provided by the current government even after five years Over 400 young lives lost to Japanese Encephalitis in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh This is due to a complete failure on the part of the State to provide basic water and sanitation facilities along with a failure to carry out timely inoculation against disease


- Uttar Pradesh has spent only 65.3% of the total funds allocated to it under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. It slipped to the 12th position last year in State ranking

- The State did not fully utilize amounts disbursed by the Centre through the Indira Awas Yojana which seeks to provide affordable housing to the poor. The percentage of houses completed against the target also fell

- Expenditure under the Integrated Child Development Schemes (ICDS) of the Health Ministry came down to 57.7% during 2010-11

- In Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan the State stood at number 12 in terms of percentage of funds utilized during last year

- Under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) which is run by the Ministry of Agriculture and seeks to increase production of rice, wheat and pulses, the utilization of funds by the state has slipped to 31.7% in the last 2 years

- The debt burden of Uttar Pradesh has nearly touched the two lakh crores mark. There has been an increase in debt by Rs.17012 crores in just one year


The Congress is the only party that can provide Uttar Pradesh with a strong, clean, accountable, transparent, responsive and effective government;

The Congress is the only party that can truly guarantee the public safety and security of the people of Uttar Pradesh;

The Congress is the only party that is deeply committed to providing protection, quality education, universal health care and job surety for all citizens and especially to the weaker sections;

The Congress Party is a party that belongs to all and attracts representation from all castes, creeds and religions;

The Congress is the only party that can give shape in Uttar Pradesh to the vision of the Government at the Centre;

The Congress is the only party that can ensure that Uttar Pradesh reaps the full benefits of the aid and support provided by a strong Government at the Centre;

The Congress is the only party committed to giving voice to the aspirations of the people of Uttar Pradesh;

The Congress Party has a very close, personal history with the State of Uttar Pradesh

If the people of Uttar Pradesh repose their trust and faith in the Congress and its vision, the party will do its best to serve them and their interests with sincerity and justice for all



1. Law and Order

2. Corruption Free Good Governance

3. Justice and Law

4. Panchayats and Gram Sabhas


5. Education

6. Health

7. Employment

8. Food Security

9. Women

10. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

11. Most Backward Classes

12. Elderly, Widows and Disabled

13. Minorities

14. Youth

15. Social Justice

16. Social Harmony


17. Power

18. Roads

19. Other Infrastructure

20. Agriculture

21. Industry

22. Urban and Rural Development

23. Environment and Water

24. Trade and Commerce


25. Smaller States

26. Special Cell for Implementation of Manifesto



We will end the reign of lawlessness that has afflicted the State in the last 22 years and guarantee maximum security to each and every resident of Uttar Pradesh

We will:

(a) Make police stations accessible to every citizen and ensure friendly policing with information kiosks in police stations

(b) Ensure that there is at least one Women Police Station in every district, and ensure at least one Woman Officer is present in every Police Station at all times

(c) Undertake Comprehensive Police Reform in the State which will include:

- Transparent recruitment into the police service, so only the best, compatible with the diversity of the State, get selected to protect the citizens of the State

- Citizen-Police Community partnership model of policing across the State

- Security of tenure for police officers

- Post investigation complaints redressal procedure for citizens

(d) Implement a transparent and rational system for weapon licenses and regulation of arms

(e) Set up a special cell at the state level to monitor and ensure fair investigation of cases under the Protection of Civil Rights Act (PCR Act) and cases of atrocities on SCs / STs

(f) Restore Anticipatory Bail by amendment of the State Code of Criminal Procedure

(g) Provide an effective response to complaints from the weaker sections of society through, if necessary, an amendment of the existing law, i.e. section 155 of the Cr.PC

(h) Set up a Criminal Injuries Compensation Board for objective standardized / rule based compensation for victims of crime

(i) Form Citizens Watch Groups for proactive mediation in conflict situations to ensure speedy restoration of peace and harmony. Appoint an adequate number of citizen police officers

(j) Revamp the juvenile justice system and upgrade the government run juvenile homes across the State

(k) Develop a comprehensive plan for Prison Reforms. Release under-trials who have undergone their minimum sentence

(l) Develop a rational penal policy and encourage the judicious use of plea bargaining


After 20 years of misrule, misgovernance and corruption, the Congress will bring back to Uttar Pradesh a corruption free, clean, accountable and transparent government, in which people can have trust and faith

We will:

(a) Develop and implement an effective Anti-Corruption Policy

(b) Further enhance the independence and efficiency of the Lok Ayukta to make it a truly powerful institution in the fight against corruption and bring the Chief Minister under the purview of the Lok Ayukta

(c) Ensure the disclosure of all assets and income by the Chief Minister and all Ministers of the State Government and their family members every year

(d) Ensure that an effective Citizen's Charter is in place for all government departments, not just in name but in action. A Citizen's Charter without a Grievance Redress Mechanism is meaningless. We will therefore also set up an effective Grievance Redress Mechanism at every level. A State Grievance Redressal Commission would be set up for this purpose

(e) Institute a Code of Ethics for all Civil Servants, Ministers, MLAs and MLCs that will be strictly monitored to ensure that public servants adhere to the highest moral standards

(f) Ensure a District Reorganization Commission that will follow a rational rule based decision making approach to creation of new districts

(g) Set up State Advisory Council, an institutional interface with civil society like the National Advisory Council at the Centre, and endeavour to promote Public-Private partnership in appropriate fields


We will:

(a) Ensure the establishment of Gram Nyayalayas at Nyaya Panchayat level across the State to ensure speedy justice to the common citizen

(b) Launch a time bound action plan for clearing of pendency/arrears in all courts. This will be supported by the establishment of Fast Track Courts

(c) Ensure full computerization of all Courts in the State with solar energy back-up

(d) Revamp the implementation of the Legal Aid Scheme to ensure that the weaker sections can benefit from it

(e) Introduce e-Courts in the High Court with Distance Filing and video conferencing for hearings

(f) Ensure the clarification of jurisdiction issues between Allahabad and Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court

(g) Ensure the extension of Rajiv Gandhi Adhivakta Prashikshan Yojna and provide group insurance for young lawyers


We will:

(a) Create a Jan Seva Kendra at Panchayat level a single window system for delivery birth certificates, death certificates, cast certificates, job cards etc. in a time-bound manner

(b) Use the Bharat Nirman Volunteers and social worker networks to assist the Panchayats to ensure all families are getting the entitlements that are due to them

(c) Ensure that Panchayat elections are held on time and in a free and fair manner

(d) Ensure 50% reservation for women in Panchayat elections at every level is faithfully implemented

(e) Ensure adequate and equitable representation of elected Panchayat office bearers in district and block level monitoring committees for Government Flagship schemes

(f) Ensure that broadband internet connectivity reaches every Panchayat in Uttar Pradesh

(g) Ensure the publication of five year Action Plans for Panchayats in the public domain

(h) Ensure the meaningful empowerment of the Gram Sabha and Ward Sabhas

(i) Devolve greater powers to the Gram Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat and Zila Parishad


Ensuring Rights and Doing the Right Thing


We will:

On School Education

(a) Ensure 'har ghar mein padhai' by ensuring that there is a school in every village and an intermediate school (inter-college) for every 2500 households

(b) Launch residential schools for students from BPL, minority, SC, ST and OBC (especially MBC) communities on the model of the Andhra Pradesh Residential Schools Society. Provide scholarships for outstanding students from these communities

(c) Start 500 new model schools through Public Private Partnership in 5 years as part of the UPA Government's policy to set up 2500 model schools across the country

(d) Ensure at least one modern residential school at district level for the underprivileged students on the Navodaya schools model

(e) Provide free dresses, shoes and books to all primary school children, with special emphasis on SC, ST and minority children

(f) Ensure the more than 1 lakh existing vacancies in various teaching positions are filled up, with priority being given to SC/ST/OBC and Minority candidates

(g) Improve the implementation of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, focusing on quality of teaching, improving school buildings and toilets. Corruption, which has become rampant in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan under the BSP government, will be weeded out at all levels so that every rupee is spent on education and education alone

(h) Declare Teaching a Noble Profession, and Institute an annual Guru Samman Puraskar for outstanding school teachers across the State in government and private schools. These teachers will serve as a role model for all teachers in the State

On Higher Education

We will:

(a) Ensure that any girl student, or student from BPL, minority, SC, ST, OBC (especially MBC) community who has got admission in a recognized college/university, will be provided either scholarship or interest-free education loan without collateral

(b) Amend the Private Universities Act to provide a uniform management structure and encourage private investment in education

(c) Establish Centres of Excellence for specialised fields at all State Universities

(d) Launch a Distance Education Programme through interactive satellite mode for schools & universities to ensure that youth in remote areas can benefit from quality education

(e) Conduct University elections in all universities in accordance with Lyngdoh Committee recommendations within 12 months

(f) Establish Information Technology (IT) Hubs across the State to provide specialized computer training


We will:

(a) Ensure that working functional Public Health Centres (PHCs) / CHCs with a doctor are available within short distance of every village

(b) Upgrade every district hospital in every district and ensure patients are treated with respect

(c) Start a state-wide network of ambulances to ensure that every citizen can get immediate access to medical treatment and ambulance services during an emergency. We will encourage the rural youth to buy and operate ambulances by providing these to them at reasonable prices

(d) Ensure that all BPL families get their Health Insurance Smart Cards under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana within 1 year

(e) Facilitate a complete and thorough CBI investigation into the charges of corruption and mismanagement of the National Rural Health Mission, rampant under the current BSP government

(f) Appoint a Health Ombudsman at the State level to ensure proper implementation of all Health Schemes

(g) Establish free path labs across the state for citizens covered under the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana


We will:

(a) Launch the Uttar Pradesh Skills and Employment Mission to provide job-relevant skills to youth of the State and link them to employers in a mission mode. 20 lakh youth will be trained and placed in jobs through this Mission in the next 5 years

(b) Set up a special cell within the Chief Minister's Office to ensure adequate job creation that the various policies in agriculture, industry and services sectors are creating jobs for youth from the State

(c) Revamp the ITI and Polytechnic system in UP through partnership with reputed public and private sector institutions to impart relevant technical skills, with special focus on BPL, Minority, SC, ST and OBC (especially MBC) youth

(d) Ensure that all residents in rural areas get a MNREGA job cards within the next 12 months

(e) Set up a State Employment Productivity Council to ensure innovative proposals for productivity improvement are assessed, implemented and rewarded, labour relations are kept healthy and job satisfaction is monitored and improved

(f) Facilitate a complete and thorough CBI investigation into the charges of corruption and mismanagement of the MNREGA, rampant under the current BSP government


We will:

(a) Roll out a new Food Security Bill introduced by the UPA Government to ensure that hunger and starvation are eradicated, and that every eligible family receives their monthly ration at subsidized prices

(b) Revamp the Public Delivery System in the state which has completely failed. We will ensure that grains are not siphoned off by unscrupulous middlemen

(c) Initiate pilot projects to identify the best models for ensuring food subsidies actually reach the intended beneficiaries

(d) Improve delivery of Mid-Day Meal Scheme, ensuring that every child in school gets a hot cooked meal every day of the week along with nutritional supplements like iron and deworming tablets

(e) Ensure provision of ration cards to every identified poor family through a transparent process


We will:

(a) Ensure that all rural women below poverty line are made members of Bank-linked Self Help Groups in the next 5 years. We will also set up a mechanism for rehabilitating defaulting SHGs and nursing them back to health

(b) Urge the Central Government to give a concessional rate of interest for Women's Self Help Groups at 4% interest rate through interest subvention

(c) Set up a State Mahila Bank/Fund to give loans to Women's Self-Help Groups, Women's Organisations and Women entrepreneurs

(d) Ensure 50% reservation for women in panchayat elections at all levels is faithfully implemented

(e) Launch a Kanya Sashaktikaran Yojana, whereby when a girl child is born, a fixed deposit is made in her name, so that she gets Rs 50,000/- when she turns 18 years of age, and Rs. 1 lakh if she has completed high school. This facility will benefit a second girl child as well

(f) Appoint social workers for villages and urban areas to help families cope with child abuse, domestic violence and other related matters


We will:

(a) Explore the idea of having a sub-quota for ati-dalits, the most oppressed within our Scheduled Castes, to give them more opportunities in government jobs and educational institutions

(b) Provide free legal aid to all rural SCs who are faced with cases relating to land, house and property related disputes filed against by them. Their cases will be contested free of cost by the State Legal Aid Authority

(c) Implement fully the Ambedkar Adarsh Gram Yojana of the Central government, which has been completely ignored by the BSP government. Work to cover all SC & ST bastis with basic minimum amenities like safe drinking water, housing, electricity, Anganwadi centres and access to all weather roads and develop them as model villages

(d) Revamp Dalit Chhaatravas (Dalit Hostels) for both girls and boys across UP which have fallen into a state of disrepair and total neglect under the BSP government. Ensure that high quality Dalit Hostels are available in every district of UP

(e) Start a Special Mission to provide quality residential schools for bright children from poorer sections belonging to SC & ST communities, selected through a common entrance exam. This special mission will also work on infusing large number of teachers from SC/ST communities in the education system

(f) Provide more scholarships for outstanding school students from SC/ST communities. Deserving poor students belonging to weaker sections shall also be provided post metric scholarships to pursue higher education

(g) Ensure that any student from SC/ST community, who has got admission in a recognized college/university, will be provided either scholarship or interest-free education loan without collateral

(h) Set up Religio-cultural centres for samajik sambhav in different parts of UP in the memory of the following dalit icons: Sant Ravidas, Sant Shiv Narayan, Sant Valmiki, Sant Jagjivan Das, Sant Daria Sahab, Nishad Raj Guhya

(i) Ensure that at the time of marriage of a daughter belonging to SC/ST family, Rs. 10,000/, in addition to the existing amount, would be given as financial support by the Government

(j) Ensure the establishment of special coaching facilities for admission to Engineering and Medical Colleges and provide special coaching sessions for the IAS, IPS, IFS and Allied Services

(k) Explore the possibility of partial or complete reimbursement of Stamp duty to SCs who are not liable to pay Income Tax on purchase and registration of land and houses

(l) Pursue the case for the political representation of 9 Scheduled Tribes from Panchayat to Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha level. This includes the Kols, Majhis, Korwas, Kuraus, Dhangars, Macheras, Ghasiyas, Badis, Gonds, Panikas and Koarais

(m) Ensure that at least 25 percent of the procurement done by UP government is from SC, ST, OBC (especially MBC) and Minority owned enterprises. This would be in addition to the Rs 7000 Cr Preferential Procurement Policy of the UPA Central government


We will:

(a) Introduce sub-quota for Most Backward Classes, the most oppressed, commensurate with their population, to give them more opportunities in government jobs, educational institutions and Panchayats

(b) Ensure that any student from OBC (especially MBC) community who has got admission in a recognized college/university, will be provided either scholarship or interest-free education loan without collateral

(c) Provide scholarships for outstanding school students from OBC (especially MBC) communities and give them priority in government run hostels

(d) Ensure that OBC (especially MBC) enterprises are included in the UP government's preferential procurement policy

(e) Carry out a special drive to ensure all vacancies of OBC quota in state government jobs are filled up


We will:

(a) Universalize pension for old age citizens, widows (of any age), and disabled Persons

(b) Revamp the administrative machinery and provide greater funds so that the elderly, widows and the disabled can access their pensions without any inconvenience

(c) Bring a policy of preferential employment for widows, single women, and disabled persons in government jobs

For Ex-Servicemen

(a) Establish a Sainik Bhawan in each district as the meeting place for Ex-Servicemen

(b) Create new opportunities for the meaningful employment of Ex-Servicemen


We will:

(a) Ensure full and timely implementation of the UPA government's policy of 4.5% reservation for socially and economically backward minorities under OBC category in Central Government jobs, PSUs and educational institutions

(b) Aim towards a sub-quota/reservation for socially and economically backward minorities in UP as part of the OBC quota in state government employment and educational institutions, commensurate with their population

(c) Actively promote minority education and skill development, through setting up of new schools, recruitment of minority teachers, scholarships and vocational training

(d) Implement the Madarsa Modernization programme across the State. Give Madarsa teachers training and benefits similar to those given to teachers in Government schools

(e) Provide more scholarships for outstanding students from minority communities and give them priority in government run hostels

(f) Ensure that Minority enterprises are included in the UP government's preferential procurement policy

(g) Notify Urdu as second official language and take measures to promote its use

(h) Computerize Waqf records and give additional funds for Waqf Corporation

(i) Launch a Special Fund for restoration of Waqf properties

(j) Support and pursue minority character of AMU by providing all manner of legal assistance to the cause

(k) Pursue equitable solution of the Babri Masjid dispute. All parties must abide by the verdict of the courts. If negotiations are to be held, they must be between the parties to the dispute and must have legal sanction

(14) YOUTH

The youth of Uttar Pradesh deserve a better deal. After 20 years of misrule in UP, educational infrastructure is crumbling and employment opportunities are non-existent. Youth are forced to migrate out of the State in large numbers. We will ensure that this changes. Under the leadership of Shri Rahul Gandhi, the Congress Party has already opened the doors of politics to the youth of the country, including in Uttar Pradesh, where thousands of youth elected through a free and transparent election are now Office Bearers of the Youth Congress, working to serve the people of the State. We will now build on this to ensure that the youth become the centre of all our policies and programmes, and can look forward to a new deal in education, and employment creation

We will:

(a) Launch the Uttar Pradesh Skills and Employment Mission to provide job-relevant skills to the youth of the State and link them to employers in a mission mode. 20 lakh youth will be trained and placed in jobs through this Mission in the next 5 years

(b) Comprehensively revamp the higher education system (see Section 5)

(c) Ensure that at least 50,000 youth of Uttar Pradesh are hired as Bharat Nirman Volunteers, to serve the local community and to ensure that government schemes are reaching the intended beneficiaries

(d) Conduct University elections in all universities in accordance with Lyngdoh Committee recommendations within 12 months

(e) Organise an Annual Youth festival in every district through the Nehru Yuva Kendra

(f) Set up world class sports facilities for talented youth in every division of the State


We will:

(a) Ensure, through a fresh survey, the inclusion of all those eligible for benefits who have been excluded from the BPL list

(b) Free the poor from the clutches of the moneylender, and bring 'total financial inclusion' by ensuring that every citizen has a bank account and access to credit

(c) Accelerate the implementation of the UPA government's Indira Awaas Yojana to effectively reach all BPL families in Uttar Pradesh

(d) Ensure that at least 25 percent of the procurement done by UP government is from SC, ST, OBC and Minority owned enterprises. This would be in addition to the Rs 7000 Cr Preferential Procurement Policy of the UPA Central government

(e) Set up specialized institutes/missions for traditional crafts and occupations with mandate to modernize and improve livelihoods

- Institute of Horticulture & Floriculture

- Institute of Traditional Performing Arts

- Institute of Animal Husbandry

- Institute of Woodwork

- Institute of Metallic Arts

- Institute of Weaving

- Water Faring Institute

- Institute of Grooming

(f) Launch an Enterprise Incentive Fund for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities

(g) Ensure that any girl student, or student from BPL, minority, SC, ST, OBC (especially MBC) community who has got admission in a recognized college/university, will be provided either scholarship or interest-free education loan without collateral


We will:

(a) Provide a Special development package for important pilgrimage spots of Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Jains, Christians, Buddhists, etc

(b) Set up Religio-cultural centres for samajik sambhav in different parts of UP in the memory of the following dalit icons: Sant Ravidas, Sant Shiv Narayan, Sant Valmiki, Sant Jagjivan Das, Sant Daria Sahab, Nishad Raj Guhya

(c) Set up a Fund to research on the Heroes of the Freedom Movement, especially from Dalit and MBC communities such as Lochan Nishad, Samadhan Mallah, Uda Devi Pasi, Mahaviri Bhangin

(d) Ensure rapid development of the Bodh Circuit in terms of roads and other infrastructure, especially in Kushinagar, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Shravasti

(e) Build Aastha Margs parallel to existing roads and Rest Places for Urs Zaireen and Kawaria pilgrims

(f) Establish special faculties for training teachers for enlightened Deeni Taleem and Vedic instruction

(g) Set up a State Heritage Trust to hold, preserve and manage heritage properties and nature assets

(h) Declare and develop Sant Kabir's resting place in Sant Kabir Nagar as Sadhbhavna Van. The life and works of Sant Kabir shall be made a part of school curriculum at all levels. Set up a Sant Kabir Sadbhavna Trust of Rs. 100 crores for communal harmony


(17) POWER

We will

(a) Bring light to the home of every BPL, SC and ST household in UP by providing them free metered electricity connections

(b) Endeavour to provide 100% rural households with electricity connections through effective implementation of UPA flagship scheme, Rajiv Gandhi Vidyutikaran Yojna by 2020

(c) Separate Agriculture feeders so that farmers are guaranteed a minimum of 8 hours of electricity in the day time

(d) Bring a new electricity policy, reforming the current inefficient system, reducing transmission and distribution losses, and creating new facilities

(e) Attract new private investment in power sector in all segments generation, transmission and distribution through a fair and transparent process rather than through nepotism or corruption

(f) Pursue a policy for the promotion of renewable energy in the State thereby providing clean alternatives such as wind and solar to provide electricity and to incentivize investment in Uttar Pradesh

(18) ROADS

We will:

(a) Endeavour to connect all villages of UP by all-weather roads within 5 years, through the Prime Minister's Gram Sadak Yojana

(b) Embed strict quality control and transparency in road contracts and institute stringent penalty for contractors who fail in quality and time-bound delivery of roads

(c) Upgrade the State bus network to connect every block with district headquarter

(d) Follow the public private partnership (PPP) model of development and ensure that the best models of road network development are followed

(e) Set up a world-class road quadrilateral in UP connecting Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi and Allahabad

(f) Upgrade the Meerut - Delhi Highway into a World-Class highway and dedicate it to the 1857 Inqlab Kranti

(g) Launch a major programme for the repair and upgradation of city and town roads, which are in a state of complete disrepair, across Uttar Pradesh on a war footing


We Will:

(a) Seek a Special Package from the Centre for infrastructure development of backward regions of the State, on the model of the Bundelkhand package

(b) Launch a programme for Heritage Tourism across Uttar Pradesh like in Rajasthan, in the process creating new infrastructure and new jobs for the people of Uttar Pradesh

(c) Create world class public transport, including a Metro Rail Service in Lucknow, Kanpur, Agra, Meerut, Varanasi and Allahabad modeled on the successful Delhi Metro Rail

(d) Upgrade Airports and Air Strips across the State, and set up 3 new greenfield airports


We will:


(a) Further revise the prices paid by the State Government to ensure that the farmers get the best possible price for their produce

(b) Reform the Mandi-system to make it more farmer-friendly. We will modernize the procurement system so that farmers can sell directly, reduce wastage and get a higher price. Create cold storage facilities and world class agro-processing industries especially for potato and sugarcane to increase market opportunities for farmers and to prevent post-harvest risk

(c) Ensure easily accessible agricultural loans at 6% interest rate.

(d) Revamp the Fertilizer distribution system to ensure that farmers get the right fertilizers at the right time and price in both Rabi and Kharif seasons. We will plug the leakages and corruption in the distribution of fertilizers that have crept in under the current government

(e) Launch a new Irrigation Policy that ensures effective access to water for all farmers while conserving water through its sustainable use and technologies like Drip Irrigation

(f) Set up an Expert Committee to look into all aspects of sugar and sugarcane policy from production to distribution in order to ensure benefits to the farmers, industry along with the consumers and to contribute substantially to the Exchequer. We will ensure that the recommendations of the Committee are implemented in a time-bound manner

(g) Launch Separate and distinct 'Missions' to ensure adequate attention is given to the development of key agricultural areas:

- Set up a UP Pulses Mission to make Uttar Pradesh the Pulses Bowl of India

- Launch a UP Horticulture Mission to make UP the Horticulture Hub of India, which generates higher incomes for farmers. Appropriate extension services, seeds and subsidies to be provided to farmers, especially small farmers for this purpose

- Launch a UP Edible Oils Mission under which we will ensure that there is an adequate supply of edible oils available in the market at regulated prices

(h) Separate Agriculture Power Grid from the General Industrial Grid to ensure farmers get adequate power. 8 hours power supply to the farming sector for tube well would be ensured

(i) Introduce a New Policy for Producer Companies, Contract farming and Cooperatives, to ensure that farming productivity and income of farmers increases

(j) Introduce new methods of 'sustainable agriculture' like System of Rice Intensification System of Wheat Intensification to help the farmers improve their soil and get higher yields from their fields

(k) Launch a Community Radio Service through the Krishi Gyan Kendras


(l) Launch a UP Dairy Mission on the model of AMUL, to make UP a dairy surplus state and enhance the incomes of small and marginal farmers

(m) Set up an extensive network of collection centres and chilling plants across UP to ensure that rural families can sell their surplus milk every day at a local centre, like in Rajasthan, Punjab and Gujarat

(n) Scale up the Self-Help Group (SHG) model for milk collection to 50 districts of UP in 5 years. The SHG model, already running successfully in Rae Bareilly and Sultanpur districts of UP, is helping procure 1.5 lakh litres of milk every day, generating Rs 40 lakh daily income for poor rural families in these districts


We will:

(a) Launch a New Industrial Policy for public and private sector investment in the State, with special emphasis on Micro, Small and Medium (MSME) entrepreneurs

- Free entrepreneurs from unnecessary red tape, providing a single window clearance mechanism for small businesses

- Provide fiscal incentives and tax holidays to set up Units

- Simple tax regime

- Link industrial Units with skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour across rural UP

- Preference will be given to MSME Units for government procurement

(b) Create an industrial revival of UP by promoting traditional clusters and creating new clusters through infusion of new technology. More than 40 clusters across UP will be created or modernized, such as:

- Azamgarh, Mau, Ghazipur, Varanasi, Sant Ravidas Nagar: Handloom Weaving

- Mirzapur, Bhadoi, Sonabhadra: Carpets

- Farrukhabad, Etah, Agra: Potato Processing

- Kushinagar, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Shravasti: Buddhist Tourism

- Varanasi: Integrated Tourism & Weaving

- Unnao, Kanpur, Agra, Hamirpur: Leather, Shoes

- Firozabad, Chitrakoot: Glassware

- Bulandshahr, Azamgarh, Gorakhpur: Pottery

- Barabanki: Mint

- Farrukhabad, Kannauj: Printings & Perfumes

- Saharanpur: Wood Carving

- Muradabad, Aligarh: Brass and Locks

- Agra: Integrated Tourism & Stone

- Malihabad: Horticulture (Mango Processing)

- Pratapgarh: Agro-processing (Anwala)

- Kheri, Balrampur, Shahjahanpur: Sugar Industry

- Mahoba, Lalitpur: Betel Leaf (Paan), Medicinal Herbs

- Amethi, Rae Barreilly: Aviation

- New Hubs: Noida, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Gorakhpur, Jhansi, Meerut, Allahabad, Barreilly


We will:

(a) Computerise all Land Records in the State in 3 years. This will significantly reduce corruption and litigation, and help in establishing clear title to the people of Uttar Pradesh

(b) Reduce Stamp duty so that there is less financial burden on purchase of property and corruption in property dealings is eliminated

(c) Bring new legislation for Town & Country Planning to provide for growing urbanization and protect the rural landscape with zoning laws etc

(d) Set up special 'People's Cooperative Stores' for vegetables, wheat, rice, pulses and where other essential items are easily and readily available at regulated and reasonable prices

(e) Create world class public transport, including a Metro Rail Service in Lucknow, Kanpur, Agra, Meerut, Varanasi and Allahabad modeled on the successful Delhi Metro Rail

(f) Create good quality transitional residential facilities for migrants from rural areas

(g) Ensure that an effective waste management system is in place in every major town of Uttar Pradesh, modeled on the scheme in Kanpur which has shown promise

(h) Ensure regional balance in industrial development with judicious application of the National Manufacturing Policy and the Land Acquisition Policy

(i) Set up a State Urban Arts Commission to protect the urban heritage of the State

(j) Ensure that urban standards of public amenities are available in rural areas


We will:

(a) Launch a Mission "Clean Uttar Pradesh" with a wide-ranging mandate for environmental protection, especially incentivizing sustainable practices by industry, addressing air pollution, tackling the hazard of plastics and encouraging use of jute

(b) Take up river cleaning on a war footing, especially of the Ganga (Swachha Ganga Abhiyaan), Yamuna, Gomti, Saryu, Ghagra, and especially of the Doaba region

(c) Take up measures for flood control and water logging across UP on a mission mode. Set up special regimes for flood prone areas (building laws, road and bridge specifications and designs) as well as a Flood Relief Fund based on special cess on river water allocation to industry

(d) Map all significant Water Bodies including degraded ones and prepare a plan for their restoration, rehabilitation and preservation

(e) Provide incentives for Water Users Associations and for District/Block Level Citizen Water Protectors (Jal Mitras)

(f) Take up the repair and modernization of the old irrigation systems in the State

(g) Take up special programmes for water recharging in those areas where ground water depletion is highest


We will:

(a) Implement a new policy for small entrepreneurs, unleash their creativity by freeing them from the clutches of red tape and bureaucracy

(b) Revamp the sales-tax administration in UP which has become a den of red tape

(c) Support the implementation of the GST and make the tax system simple, user friendly and harassment free for small businesses in UP

(d) Establish the 'Uttar Pradesh Trade Council' to facilitate trade and commerce in Uttar Pradesh

(e) Ensure meaningful interactions with the Traders and their representatives before every Budget to better understand and rationalize the tax structure in Uttar Pradesh

(f) Rationalise and improve trade links with Nepal with which Uttar Pradesh shares a long border to ensure illegal trade is curbed and legitimate cross-border trade and commerce can prosper



For better administration and for effective implementation machinery, small sized states may be desirable but creating a new state or states out of existing states always leads to complex issues which require to be deliberated dispassionately by an Expert Body like a States Re-organisation Commission

Therefore, if the Congress comes to power in Uttar Pradesh, it will ask the Centre to appoint a Second States Reorganisation Commission to look into and address the issues appropriately


The Congress Party shall set up a special Election Manifesto Implementation Cell in the Chief Minister's Office and release an Annual Report Card to the People of Uttar Pradesh

####Congress Manifesto for UP Elections 2012 (English)

Congress Manifesto for UP Elections 2012 (Hindi)

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