India, US call to end terror networks like LeT
India, US call to end terror networks like LeT
The United States and India affirmed the common ideals and a shared commitment to a world without nuclear weapons.

New Delhi: India and the US today agreed that all terrorist networks, including Lashkar-e-Toiba, must be defeated and asked Pakistan to bring to justice the perpetrators of the Mumbai terror attacks.

A joint statement issued at the end of official engagements of three days of President Barack Obama's maiden visit to India, the two countries emphasised the importance of close cooperation in combating terrorist financing and in

protecting the international financial system.

Reaffirming their nations' shared values and increasing convergence of interests, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Barack Obama resolved today in New Delhi to expand and strengthen the India-US global strategic partnership.

The two leaders welcomed the deepening relationship between the world's two largest democracies. They commended the growing cooperation between their governments, citizens, businesses, universities and scientific institutions, which have thrived on a shared culture of pluralism, education,

enterprise, and innovation, and have benefited the people of both countries.

Building on the transformation in India-US relations over the past decade, the two leaders resolved to intensify cooperation between their nations to promote a secure and stable world; advance technology and innovation; expand mutual prosperity and global economic growth; support sustainable

development; and exercise global leadership in support of economic development, open government and democratic values.

The two leaders reaffirmed that India-US strategic partnership is indispensable not only for their two countries but also for global stability and prosperity in the 21st century. To that end, President Obama welcomed India's

emergence as a major regional and global power and affirmed his country's interest in India's rise, its economic prosperity, and its security.

A Global strategic partnership for the 21st century

Prime Minister Singh and President Obama called for an efficient, effective, credible and legitimate United Nations to ensure a just and sustainable international order. Prime Minister Singh welcomed President Obama's affirmation that, in the years ahead, the United States looks forward to a reformed UN Security Council that includes India as a permanent member.

The two leaders reaffirmed that all nations, especially those that seek to lead in the 21st century, bear responsibility to ensure that the United Nations fulfills its founding ideals of preserving peace and security, promoting global cooperation, and advancing human rights.

Prime Minister Singh and President Obama reiterated that India and the United States, as global leaders, will partner for global security, especially as India serves on the Security Council over the next two years.

The leaders agreed that their delegations in New York will intensify their engagement and work together to ensure that the Council continues to effectively play the role envisioned for it in the United Nations Charter. Both leaders underscored that all states have an obligation to comply with and implement UN Security Council Resolutions, including UN sanctions regimes.

They also agreed to hold regular consultations on UN matters, including on the long-term sustainability of UN peacekeeping operations. As the two largest democracies, both countries also reaffirmed their strong commitment to the UN Democracy Fund.

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