IITians bag majority of IBM awards
IITians bag majority of IBM awards
Nobel Laureate Prof Aumann will felicitate the students and will also deliver a lecture on War and Peace.

New Delhi: IBM on Friday announced winners of the 'IBM Best PhD Students Award' and 'IBM Best (CAS) Students Award' for this year.

This year’s winners are from the Indian Institute of Science, Indian Institute of Technology and Institute for Mathematical Sciences.

Nobel Laureate Prof Robert J Aumann will hand the IBM Best PhD Students Award to S Kannan, IIT- Madras, S Asharaf, IISc, Sobhan Babu, IIT - Bombay, Parag K Chaudhuri, IIT - Delhi, Md Abdul Hai Zahid, IIT - Roorkey, and Piyush Kurur, IMSc, Chennai while Rudresh Acharya, IISc and Vinay Kumar (M Tech), IIT Kanpur will receive the IBM Best CAS (Center for Advanced Studies) Students Award.

Aumann will present the Awards at a ceremony to be held at the JN Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore on Tuesday.

The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics will also deliver a lecture on War and Peace at the award ceremony.

Aumann shared the Nobel Prize in Economics with Dr Thomas Schelling of the University of Maryland.

Aumann has made groundbreaking contributions to game theory, a branch of applied mathematics that studies strategic situations where players choose different actions in an attempt to maximise their returns.

Announcing the awards IBM India Research Laboratory (IRL) Director Dr Daniel Dias said, "IBM is committed to nurturing talent and innovation in the region. As part of this initiative, IBM confers the Best PhD Students Award to students in India for their outstanding work done in the area of Computer Science and allied fields."

"IBM Best CAS student Award is given for outstanding work done by students who collaborate with IBM technical leaders under the Center for Advanced Studies (CAS) collaborative research initiative," he added.

Selection of the students is based on the novelty of the dissertation, impact of work and quality of research as judged by publications and peer review. Nominations were invited from many premier institutes – including all IITs, IISc, TIFR, ISI, CMI and IMSc during 2006.

"Students of today will become the innovators of tomorrow. Today's increasingly complex world requires students and researchers to innovate as never before. To have real impact, whether within a company or society as a whole, we must not only develop technologically superior solutions, but also know how to think systemically and lead strategically", said Dias.

IBM has a rich history of engagement with leading universities and colleges around the world that supports basic research, curriculum, innovation, and educational assistance in focus areas, which are fundamental to innovation in the 21st Century.

Located in Delhi and Bangalore, IBM India Research Lab (IRL) is engaged in advanced technologies and collaborative innovation initiatives with customers, academic institutions and other partners while deepening the understanding of social, cultural, economic and technological drivers around the world.

IBM in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore will host the Nobel Lecture on War & Peace where Prof Aumann will talk on different aspects of game theory or interactive decision theory and interact with the students and faculty.

This Nobel Lecture is a part of IBM's initiative to help promote cross-pollination of ideas within the technical ecosystem in the region.

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