A total of over Rs 156.2 crore in cash, 263.7 kg gold, 1091 kg silver, and other valuables all worth over Rs 165.2 crore, besides liquor worth over Rs 49.4 crore, ganja valued at Rs 24.7 crore and other items/freebies worth Rs 43.2 crore were seized
A total of over Rs 156.2 crore in cash, 263.7 kg gold, 1091 kg silver, and other valuables all worth over Rs 165.2 crore, besides liquor worth over Rs 49.4 crore, ganja valued at Rs 24.7 crore and other items/freebies worth Rs 43.2 crore were seized, according to a statement issued by the office of the Telangana Chief Electoral Officer (CEO).
Since October 9 (when the schedule for the Telangana Assembly elections was announced) till November 2, the total cumulative seizure by law enforcement agencies is valued at over Rs 439 crore, it said. The state goes to polls on November 30.
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