This Story is Unavailable Instagram: 9 Reasons & Fixes
This Story is Unavailable Instagram: 9 Reasons & Fixes
Are you scrolling through Instagram and seeing a "This Story is Unavailable" error? Although a story disappears 24 hours after being posted, you can see this error for a few other reasons, like if your account is blocked or if the original owner deleted it. This wikiHow article lists fixes for when you see "This Story is Unavailable" on Instagram.

The story was deleted.

The original poster can delete their Story at any time. If you're trying to view a Story that isn't 24 hours old yet but was deleted by the person who created it, you'll see the "This Story is Unavailable" message. This is the most common reason you'll see the "This Story is Unavailable" message, especially if another Instagram user shared someone else's story with you.

The story has recently expired.

Stories automatically disappear after 24 hours. While stories stick around for 24 hours, it's entirely possible that you were sent a link to a story in a DM, opened it more than 24 hours later, and saw the "This Story is Unavailable" message. There is also the bug where the profile will display in the "Stories" section like they have a new Story, but when you tap it, you'll see "This Story is Unavailable" instead of a story.

You don't have permission to view the story.

The user may not allow everyone to watch their stories. The uploader has options to limit who can see the story. If someone has shared a story with you via DM and you see "This Story is Unavailable" when you try to watch it, the story may only be visible to that person's followers or people on their Close Friends list.

The account is private.

The original poster (OP) changed to a private account. Only approved people can follow private accounts, and only approved followers can view stories. If you try to view the story but aren't a follower, you'll get the "This Story is Unavailable" message. Changing your privacy is easy, and users can do it multiple times a day.

You're blocked.

The person has blocked your Instagram account. If you can't see the person's regular posts or stories, you've likely been blocked.

Instagram removed the story.

Stories with copyright infringements may be deleted by Instagram. Instagram may also delete a story if it's been reported by multiple people for violations. In this case, you might still see the ring around a profile picture, which indicates a new story, and encounter the "This Story is Unavailable" message.

Poor internet connection.

Make sure you have a strong connection to the internet to avoid errors. Instagram will give you errors if your internet connection is lost while scrolling stories. In this case, make sure your Wi-Fi or cellular data connection is reliable. If not, switch between the two; if you're using cellular data, connect to a Wi-Fi network, and vice versa.

Instagram glitches.

There may be a problem with the Instagram app. If you've ruled out other issues, Instagram may be acting glitchy. There are a few ways to fix app glitches: Clear the cache. The steps to clear the cache vary by phone: Android: Open Settings and go to Apps/Apps & notifications > Instagram > Storage > Clear Cache. iPhone/iPad: Open Settings and go to General > iPhone/iPad Storage > Instagram > Offload app. You can also tap the app icon and uninstall it, then reinstall it to get rid of your cached data. If that doesn't work, log out of Instagram and back in. To log out, go to your profile and tap the three-line menu in the top right corner of your screen, then click Settings and privacy > Log Out. Once you're logged out, the app will prompt you to log in.

The app may need an update.

Update the Instagram app. To do this, go to the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and check for updates. If an update is available, install it now. After an update, force-close Instagram and reopen it to apply the changes.

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