The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Dreams Happen
The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Dreams Happen
There is no greater time than now to start living your dreams. But how do you do it? Making your dreams come true doesn’t have to be a wild fantasy—you can begin achieving your dreams today! All you have to do is visualize your success and take baby steps with individual goals. We’ve broken down the process in this article, so keep reading to learn how to turn your dreams into reality today.
Making Your Dreams a Reality

Making a Plan

Be specific about your dream. Think of it this way: If you don’t know what you really want, how can you achieve it? Write your dreams down in a notebook or on your phone like they were attainable goals. What do you need to accomplish them? How can you make progress each day? For example, let’s say you want to be an accomplished writer. Take some time to think about what type of writer you want to be—what do you really want? If you want to write a book, that might involve writing a chapter each day. Don't worry if you don’t have it all figured out; just be as specific as possible.

Turn your dream into a desire. A strong will to achieve your dreams boosts self-confidence and helps motivate you. Have full belief in your dream—you can and will achieve it. Look at your dream as something that fuels you rather than something that has to get done.

Create a plan of action. View your dreams and desires as goals so they’re easier to break down and accomplish. When do you want to accomplish this goal? What steps do you need to take to get there? Write down every step of your plan, or make a to-do list to help yourself stay on track. Know that your plan to make your dreams come true might not look like someone else’s, and that’s okay! There’s no universal plan; do what’s right for you. Goals are time-sensitive, so adding a time frame helps you stay committed.

Set short-term goals. Divide your main goal into subcategories, and set time periods for achieving each item on the list. When you accomplish a smaller goal, you get closer and closer to making your dream or end goal a reality. For example, if you dream of writing a novel, you may start by taking a writing workshop. This way, you can learn the foundations of writing and take baby steps toward writing a full-length novel.

Review your progress regularly. As you start on the path to making your dreams come true, it’s important to have a sense of what you are accomplishing. Even if you’re not moving as quickly as you’d like, you’re still moving forward and making progress. Here are some things you should look out for as you develop a personal progress report: If you have achieved your goals for that time period. If you still have a desire to follow your dream. If you have deviated from the path toward fulfilling your goal. If you are having fun or enjoying your journey.

Staying Motivated

Visualize your success. Close your eyes and picture what your life will be like when your dream comes true. Imagine the excitement and joy you’ll experience when your dream does become a reality. This can help you feel motivated when you’re stuck or feeling down.

Believe in yourself. Being confident and self-assured is a great way to stay on track. When you believe in yourself, it can be easier to keep moving forward, even when things get tough. If you believe you can do it, there’s nothing that can stop you. Say positive things to yourself throughout the day. A quick, encouraging affirmation like, “I can do this” or “I am capable” can help lift your spirits.

Make time to relax. While it’s important to be persistent about following your dreams and achieving your goals, it’s just as equally important to take some time off to rest. Avoid burnout and stress by getting enough sleep each night and doing other things you enjoy. The time away from your goal or dream can actually make you more eager to accomplish it. Relax your mind with meditation or yoga. Aim to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

Learn from failures and mistakes. If you want to achieve your dreams, then you have to be able to learn from setbacks. Mistakes give you an opportunity to grow and evolve. If you've failed at something, ask yourself why it happened and what you could have done differently. Then, use this knowledge as you continue chasing your dream. Instead of letting setbacks bring you down, use them to get more hungry to achieve your goal.

Accept constructive criticism along the way. Though it's important to stay focused on your goal, listening to the people trying to help you is just as important. While you don’t have to listen to every critic, keep an open-mind. Who knows? You may just learn something new. Use your best judgment when handling criticism. Remember, not everyone has your best interest in mind.

Make any necessary sacrifices. You may have to give up some things to make your dreams happen. Maybe you have to stay in to study instead of hanging out with friends, or perhaps you have to say “no” to an opportunity to have more time to follow your dreams. Sacrifices aren’t easy, but sometimes they’re necessary. Set clear boundaries with yourself and loved ones so you stay on track with your plan. For instance, you might give yourself a strict bedtime so you can wake up early and train for a marathon.

Remove any obstacles standing in your way. Think about it: What is keeping you from achieving your goals right now? What’s holding you back? If something or someone is preventing you from making your dreams come true, consider what you have to do to remove the problem. For example, maybe you have a toxic friend who gets hostile when you can’t hang out with them. Perhaps it’s time to pause the friendship and give yourself some space. As another example, say you have a habit of watching TV before bed but want to read 100 books this year. Removing the TV from your bedroom may help you accomplish your goal faster.

Drop the excuses. Life happens, and things can go awry, but that doesn’t mean you should stop reaching for the stars! You don’t always have to put your dreams on hold. Avoid making excuses for why you haven’t accomplished your daily tasks or progressed any further in the plan. Rather than saying, “I can’t,” say, “I will.”

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