The 25 Cutest, Funniest, & Most Effective Hinge Prompts for Women
The 25 Cutest, Funniest, & Most Effective Hinge Prompts for Women
This year, I really want to go on more dates! Find a partner! Find a soulmate! Does that sound like you? If so, you may be beginning the exciting (although sometimes intimidating) task of updating or creating your Hinge profile. Fortunately for you, we’ve got the scoop on how to write the best Hinge prompts as a girl looking for her Hinge match-in-shining-armor. With the help of dating and matchmaking experts Lauren Sanders, Maria Avgitidis, and Lisa Shield, we’ve put together this list of the ultimate Hinge prompts and replies for women to make your dating profile the best it can be. Go get ‘em, girl!
Popular Hinge Prompts for Girls

First round is on me if…

Offer a cheeky invite to treat your date…but name your conditions. This prompt is an excellent way to add some humor and personality to your profile while also making it easy for your match to start a conversation (and even set up a date). After all, if they complete your challenge, then you owe them a first round! “You can correctly guess my Hogwarts house.” “You take me somewhere that serves white negronis.” “You can beat me at mini golf.” “You join me in a karaoke duet of ‘Don’t You Want Me’ by the Human League”

I recently discovered that…

Share something that you’ve recently learned about yourself or the world. This prompt is a lighthearted way to showcase your sense of humor while also giving real insight into your personality! Responses to this prompt can make you seem more relatable and easygoing and even spark a conversation if your match has had a similar (or opposite) experience. “Not everyone agrees that Tobey Maguire is the best Spiderman??” “Money CAN buy happiness” “Hangovers last for two days over the age of 25.” “You’re only supposed to drive with your right foot.”

My Typical Sunday

Parse out the midday sleepers from the sunrise marathoners. As simple as it may seem, there are few things as telling about a person as what they use their Sundays for. By sharing your (honest) Sunday routine, you can tell potential matches exactly what they can expect when sharing daily life with you—not just in your most exciting and glamorous moments! Plus, you’ll get an idea of whether your lifestyles are compatible with each other. After all, if your priorities on a day off don’t align, the same is probably true for other areas of your life. “Sleeping in until noon and Doordash-ing a sesame bagel with scallion cream cheese.” “Sunrise swim on the beach (I’m being serious), then heading home for a nap and errands.” “Brunch with my girls, then finding somewhere to watch the Giants play.” “Rest and reset! Clean the house, do the grocery shop, then wind down with my binge-worthy pick of the week (atm it’s You).”

My best travel story

If you’re an avid traveler, pull out your funniest or most interesting tale. Choose a story from your adventures abroad that’s full of twists, turns, and funny bumps in the road—or just an experience that was really wonderful and life-changing! Then, share a sneak peek of the story, but don’t give it all away. You want your match to be intrigued and ask for more deets! “When I got locked out of my hostel in Croatia and lived to tell the tale.” “Missing my flight in Istanbul and spending a whole 48 hours making the airport my home.” “Swimming with dolphins in Mexico…was truly as magical as it sounds.” “Befriending a group of older married couples in a sing-a-long bar in Dublin.”

This year, I really want to…

Tell potential love interests about a silly or serious item on your bucket list. Use this prompt to communicate your sense of humor or share an ambitious goal that you want to accomplish in the near future. If you go with something relatively doable (i.e., not climbing Mount Everest), then you could even invite your match to go with you! Date made! “Run the Madrid marathon” “Achieve a 7-day streak on Duolingo (ambitious, I know).” “Learn how to make my Kraft Mac and Cheese taste like restaurant quality.” “Get a spontaneous tattoo!”

I go crazy for…

Use this prompt to share something you’re really passionate about. This prompt is your chance to tell your match all about your hobbies, interests, or anything you love with a burning passion—but choose something unique. Food, music, and travel are pretty common answers that won’t make you stand out from the crowd. You could even say you “go crazy for” a certain type of person so that your match knows exactly what you’re looking for! “A guy who can put together furniture.” “A mustache and a little rizz.” “Conspiracy theory articles on wikipedia…and no, I’m not embarrassed!” “Spicy food, earth science, Broadway musicals, YouTube cooking videos, romance novels…the list goes on!”

The one thing you should know about me is…

Open with a crucial piece of info about you…or your #1 dealbreaker. Like many of the best Hinge prompts, you can go one of two ways here: share a funny or personal fact about yourself or let them know exactly what you’re prioritizing in a relationship. Either way, be sure to write something unique and personal to you—as Shield explains, “saying ‘I love home decor. I can pore through home decorating magazines for hours, and I love filling my home with splashes of color’...[is] going to make a profile better than just saying ‘I’m creative.’” “I can’t stop myself from shouting ‘Cow!’ every time I pass a farm on a road trip.” “SZA is my number one Spotify artist EVERY year.” “I’m polyamorous, so monogamous relationships are a no-go for me ????” “I treat my two cats like they’re my actual children, and it’s important that my partner does too.”

The dorkiest thing about me is…

Give your matches some insight into your quirkier side! This prompt is perfect for balancing out some more serious or straightforward answers about yourself and your interests. Plus, it’s always a green flag to know that someone can laugh at and poke fun at themselves from time to time! However, be mindful not to come off as too negative or self-deprecating here; something quirky and fun is best! “I can recite the rain scene from Pride & Prejudice by heart ????” “I still use a Star Wars lightsaber as a night light in my room (but willing to part with it for the right person).” “I’m obsessed with etymology and love to look up the origins of every new word I learn!” “I often imagine myself underwater whenever I take a shower. I always win a gold medal in solo aquatic performances ????”

I won’t shut up about…

Here’s a prompt where you can reveal your most defining hobby or interest. If there’s something that you’re always going to be (endearingly) yapping about to your potential love match, then they should know now! Plus, this prompt is a great way to show off another side of your personality by sharing one of your favorite pastimes or passions—whether you’re being funny or sincere! Whichever route you choose, make sure it balances out nicely with your other answers (i.e., don’t write all funny prompts or all serious prompts). “Politics and sports. I’m particularly interested in international human rights issues and ice hockey (not at the same time).” “The purple category on NYT Connections. Nothing both frustrates and motivates me more!” “My personal ranking of every potato dish. Mashed comes 5th, by the way.” “How I make the best sourdough bread you have ever tasted.”

My simple pleasures

This *simple* prompt can easily forge a personal connection. Strip back the layers and tell your potential matches about those little things that make you feel content in life. Save obvious info like hobbies, personality traits, and travel anecdotes for a different prompt, and share something unique that always manages to fill you with (potentially unexpected) joy. “Stimulating but easy conversations over my favorite bottle of red.” “A Costco hot dog.” “Slurpees, Instagram reels, and napping with my dog.” “Walking outside after a summer storm.”

Don’t hate me if I…

Let your matches in on one of your “worst” qualities with this prompt. Including one tongue-in-cheek answer on your Hinge profile will tell your date that you have a sense of humor and don’t take yourself too seriously! Pick an endearing quirk or funny trait that you don’t mind teasing yourself about (or having your match tease you about). And who knows—there could be a special someone with the exact same eccentricity just around the corner. “Am obsessed with dad jokes.” “Finish every text with ‘lol’ (I’m a people pleaser! I’m sorry!)” “Douse everything I eat with blue cheese dressing.” “Make your friends laugh more than you do.”

My most controversial opinion is…

Nothing starts a conversation better than a hotly-debated topic. This prompt is one of the most highly responded-to ones on the app—and for good reason! No one can resist a lighthearted and spirited argument, and your potential love interests are no exception. Opt for something silly and unserious, or choose a more truly controversial that will weed out any personal deal breakers. “Vaping is overrated.” “I’d rather live through a year-long winter than sweat through a year-long summer.” “Tipping culture has gotten out of hand.” “Women should never be expected to pay on a first date.”

You should not go out with me if…

Share your most vital deal breakers with this direct and simple prompt. You can write this prompt in a funny way, but it’s also a good tool to share the values, interests, and boundaries that are most important to you when dating someone new. Basically, if you have any massive red flags or deal breakers that you just won’t tolerate, this is the place to make them known! “You hate Ariana Grande. Thank you, NEXT!” “You’re not looking for a wife.” “You’re not into being a homebody from time to time.” “You don’t support reproductive rights.”

Let’s debate this topic

Your hottest take is sure to stir up some spicy or stimulating Hinge convos. Pose a controversial question to your dates…but not too controversial. Your goal is to give any potential matches an easy way to open up the conversation with you. They’ll give their hot take, you’ll give yours, and before you know it, the flirtatious banter will be flowing! “Should Tom Cruise retire?” “Should TikTok be banned?” “Is ‘Friends’ actually funny?” “Are Hot Cheetos the superior Cheeto?”

We’re the same type of weird if…

Bond with your match over your (hopefully) mutual quirks. We all have something unique about us, but what if your potential soulmate has the same eccentricities as you do? This would be the time to find out! Share some endearing quirk that conveys your personality and sense of humor all in one go. “You say bless you when a dog sneezes.” “You pour milk in before cereal.” “You keep your ✨Christmas lights up ‘til January✨ (and also get that reference)” “Canceled plans bring a smile to your face.”

You should leave a comment if…

This straightforward prompt is sure to pull in your perfect match! You can talk directly to the people you’re most interested in by telling matches with certain traits or interests to leave a comment. Focus on a favorite hobby, a funny quirk, or a specific quality that you’re looking for in a partner. If you write it, they will come! “You want to visit every country on Earth.” “You want to get martinis on Friday night.” “You love to experiment in the kitchen.” “You’re always down for live music—regardless of the genre or if you know the artist.”

Let’s make sure we’re on the same page about…

Search for common ground with this assertive prompt. Write your silliest hot take or your most unpopular opinion to initiate a funny and flirty debate with your match—or maybe they’ll agree with you, which is a pretty good sign of compatibility! Alternatively, use this prompt in a more serious way by sharing a value or opinion that you want your future partner to share. “Eating dinner just to get to dessert.” “Athleisure isn’t real clothing.” “A slow burn is better than a spark.” “Ghosting. If you’re unsure or uninterested, just say the word!”

The one thing I’d love to know about you is…

Turn the conversation over to your matches and get to know them better. This prompt gives you a chance to get to know any potential dates better, and it gives them a chance to slide in with an easy opening line that answers your question! Try one of these sample prompt answers inspired by Sanders’ expert input: “Your favorite subject to learn in high school or college (I have a theory that this says a LOT about your personality lol).” “Your favorite place to travel to OR your #1 bucket list destination.” “If you could choose any other culture to have grown up in/belong to, which one would it be? Explain your answer, please ????” “Your worst online dating experience (or is that too meta?)”

I want someone who…

Give your matches a solid idea of who you are and what you want. At the end of the day, you’re on a dating app to find someone you want to keep in your life—whether for the long- or short-term. With this prompt, you have the opportunity to sincerely state what you want out of a date or a partner. Make sure your potential date has a chance to know what you’re really all about! “Values family and looks forward to starting their own.” “Calls me on my BS (as needed).” “Prefers an escape room, ice skating, or pretty much any activity over coffee on a first date. Any ideas?” “Appreciates the spontaneous thrill of booking a last-minute vacation to a brand new spot.”

I’m looking for…

Lay it all on the line by stating exactly what you want in a relationship. “Hinge is more common for individuals searching for serious relationships and not just a hook-up,” reveals Sanders. However, it’s still a good idea to let potential matches know exactly what you’re looking for. Just try to avoid anything related to finances (“someone with a trust fund”) or physical traits like height or weight. Write something specific to you and what YOU want in your dream partner! “Someone fun to explore the city with, with the potential to grow into something long term.” “Someone who's an active and empathetic listener.” “Someone who can be vulnerable and put in the effort to grow together.” “A committed, long-term relationship with someone who loves to travel, cook, and play board games.”

My love language is…

Sharing love languages right away can transform a new relationship. Knowing your partner’s love language (and having them understand yours) will give both of you an opportunity to show appreciation and care to each other. Plus, you’ll have a better idea of whether or not your love languages are compatible. Incompatible love languages don’t necessarily have to be a deal breaker, though—communication and effort are key! “Words of affirmation (receiving) and acts of service (giving).” “Knowing when to give advice and when to just listen.” “Letting you have the last slice of pizza (so gift giving?).” “Being forwarded a confirmed dinner reservation.”

The key to my heart is…

Tell your date exactly how to sweep you off your feet. Share something that they can do to really and truly woo you, like a specific food, activity, gift, or personality trait that you adore in others. Hopefully, any future matches will put this helpful info to good use sooner rather than later (so ask for what you really want!). “Taking me to movie nights at Cinema 21. I love a cult classic film! What’s your favorite?” “Participating enthusiastically in my annual Monopoly tournament.” “Picking up litter when you see it on the sidewalk.” “Treating my friends and family with as much kindness and care as you (hopefully) treat me ????”

The best way to ask me out is by…

Skip the small talk and get closer to an IRL date with your matches. This ideal prompt basically gives your matches a road map to taking you out…which is the goal, right? “When you’re online dating, you should only be using it as a tool to get offline,” says Avgitidis. So, tell your fellow Hinge-users exactly what they need to do, but try to give some specifics and keep your answer positive. A reply like “just ask” can come off as rude or exasperated, which isn’t the greatest first impression. “Sliding in with a date, time, and location. Easy as that!” “Buying tickets to the weekend arcade. I’ll bring the nickels! ????” “Taking skywriting lessons and flying over my house with a message written in the ~heavens~ (jk, are you free this weekend?)” “Blasting John Legend outside my house with a boombox over your head. But a short and sweet ‘When are you free this week?’ is also acceptable ????”

The sign of a great first date

Let your matches know what you’re looking for out of your first meet-up. Planning a first date can bring about a lot of anxiety, so it’s nice to give your potential partner an idea of what an ideal first date looks like to you! You can mention something specific (“We were able to watch the sunset together”) or share a more general outlook on dating (“Both of our bellies hurt from laughing the next day”). “We did something that one (or both) of us had never done before.” “I’m already looking forward to the next one :)” “The conversation was balanced with both of us asking each other an equal amount of questions.” “It actually happens! Let’s save the small talk for the date – just give me a time and a place.”

Together, we could…

Clue in your potential date on what your future could look like together. This prompt is a great way to directly let your matches know what kind of dates you’re interested in or what type of activities you hope to do together. They can easily plan a date based around your idea (“A little birdie told me we could host taco night together…how’s this Friday at 6?”) or use your comment to decide if you’re compatible (“Irish exit” may not draw in an extroverted match). “Irish exit from parties ????” “Move in together and cut our rent in half.” “Cringe at bad movies in our PJs” “Take a bachata class and (only mildly) judge each other’s moves.”

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