Tarot Readings for Romance and Self-Care: 16 Spreads to Shed Light on Love
Tarot Readings for Romance and Self-Care: 16 Spreads to Shed Light on Love
Love can leave you breathless and full of so many questions. Luckily, there's a tarot spread for that: several, in fact! If your mind's stuck on matters of the heart, your tarot cards can sort it all out for you. Whether you want to meditate on your current relationship, mend an old one, or draw in a new romance, we've got some insightful tarot spreads that'll steer you toward true love. We'll even throw in some that'll help you fall in love with yourself. So, if you're ready to get struck by Cupid's arrow and some swoon-worthy epiphanies, take a leap of faith and try one of these spreads.
Things You Should Know
  • The purpose of tarot love spreads is to learn what's best for your heart, whether that's staying with your partner, finding someone new, or pursuing your passions.
  • Choose one of the love tarot spreads below to check up on the progress of your current relationship, repair an old dynamic, meet a soulmate, or practice self-care.
  • Use love tarot spreads to heal emotional wounds or spiritual blocks that prevent you from opening up to romance.
  • Read tarot spreads to learn how to cherish and celebrate yourself so you're magnetic and irresistible.

Spreads to Reflect on Your Relationship

The "Check-In" Spread. Sometimes, you just want a touchstone to make sure you and your SO are doing just fine. There's no shame in that—either everything's smooth sailing, or you can go in a new direction. What matters is that you're tapping into your intuition and setting a loving intention to reflect on your dynamic. Draw 8 cards and form an upside down pyramid to see if your relationship's on solid foundation: Card 1: What's the energy between us? Card 2: How do I really feel about my partner? Card 3: How do I feel when we're together? Card 4: What's the greatest strength of this relationship? Card 5: What's the biggest challenge we're going through? Card 6: What does my partner need from me? Card 7: What do I need from my partner? Card 8: What steps can I take to tighten our bond? Love tarot? Take this quiz to discover which tarot card truly matches your personality.

The "Compatibility" Spread. Want to know if you're a match made in heaven? Whether everything's simple or not, two people who are totally different can still have a healthy relationship. This tarot layout is just a way to have a chat with the Universe and see how well you and your lover gel. Draw 7 cards—make 2 rows out of the cards, then put 1 card at the bottom to "sum up" your connection. Card 1: Your needs and desires in a relationship. Card 2: Their needs and desires in a relationship. Card 3: Your differences as a two unique individuals. Card 4: The common values and interests you two share. Card 5: Your emotional compatibility as a couple. Card 6: Your physical compatibility as a couple. Card 7: Your overall compatibility as a couple.

The "Temple of Aphrodite" Spread. Who better to consult than the goddess of love herself? If you really want to get inside your partner's head and make sense of your own feelings, this is a very revealing tarot layout. By the time you're finished reviewing it, you'll have some rich insight to reflect on. Draw 7 cards and form a capital "H" to take heed of Aphrodite's divine advice: Card 1: What you think about your partner. Card 2: What your partner thinks about you. Card 3: What you feel about the relationship. Card 4: What your partner feels about the relationship. Card 5: Your level of attraction to your partner. Card 6: Your partner's level of attraction to you. Card 7: Aphrodite's forecast for where your dynamic is going.

The "Big Picture" Spread. When you want the Universe to just give it to you straight, this layout will be ultra-direct with you. Cut through all the noise, zoom out, and look over your whole love story to see if you're totally happy with it. Draw 3 cards and lay them down in a straight line to get the "Spark Notes" version of your relationship: Card 1: What you want. Card 2: What your partner wants. Card 3: What your future looks like as a couple.

Spreads to Troubleshoot Love

The "Relationship Repair" Spread. Could your dynamic use a little tune-up? Maybe it needs a total renovation. No worries—there are tons of ways to mend a relationship. This layout is blessed with beautiful intentions, and it focuses on the healing power of love. Draw 7 cards and split them into 3 rows to fix your partnership without fixating on what went wrong: Card 1: What do I want? Card 2: Which of my expectations aren't being met? Card 3: What are the areas where my partner and I don't see eye-to-eye? Card 4: What isn't being confronted in our relationship? Card 5: What do I need to let go of to keep the peace? Card 6: What does my heart say? Card 7: What part of me do I need to heal to give my SO my best?

The "Twin Flame" Spread. Did you already find your twin flame? How exciting—a twin flame can definitely ignite your heart and soul. By the same token, there might be some times when your arguments get pretty heated. Twin flames tend to test and challenge each other, but there are ways to help you both simmer down and enjoy the warmth of each other's company. Draw 5 cards and stagger them to symbolize the flames in a fireplace: Card 1: Who am I at this moment in time? Card 2: Who is my twin flame at this moment in time? Card 3: What is the shadow between us both? What keeps us in the dark? Card 4: How can we heal the "shadow" so we see the light in each other? Card 5: What's the path toward a brighter future together?

The "Love Triangle" Spread. Worried there's a wedge between you two? Whether you're contending with another love interest, a disapproving loved one (like a friend or relative), or a competing priority (such as a hobby, obsession, or distraction), it's never easy to have something or someone stand in the way of love. Draw 3 cards and lay them in a straight line to determine if there's a love triangle or if your SO only has eyes for you: Card 1: How does my partner feel about me? Card 2: Is my partner involved with someone else or is something taking their mind away from me? Card 3: Is my partner totally committed to me?

The "Is My Lover Coming Back?" Spread. We get it—breakups are tough and it can be hard to be alone after a relationship ends. It's completely fine to turn to tarot cards for solace: in fact, this layout will help you see if things are salvageable. If you're keen on manifesting a person back into your life, try it out. Draw 4 cards and form a square to see if your former lover will reappear: Card 1: How does my ex feel about me? Card 2: Does my ex want to get back together with me? Card 3: What's the greatest obstacle to us reuniting? Card 4: What's the likeliest outcome concerning the two of us?

Spreads to Find a New Romance

The "Magnetic to Love" Spread. Ready to use the law of attraction so you can draw in love and affection? The easiest way to lure in a new lover is to be yourself and keep your vibes way high. This layout will help you cleanse your aura so you radiate joy, which will make you completely irresistible. Draw 7 cards and form a U-shaped magnet to learn how you'll reel people in: Card 1: What kind of limiting beliefs do I have about love? Card 2: What do I need to release so I can invite someone into my life? Card 3: What's the best way for me to manifest love? Card 4: How can I open my heart up? Card 5: How am I blocking out love right now? Card 6: How can I increase my magnetism? Card 7: What direction should I go in to move toward love?

The "Secret Crush" Spread. For throwback vibes à la that little "Do They Like Me or Do They Not?" playground game, give this a layout a spin. When you're in the mood to learn about a secret admirer, it's sure to hit the spot. Draw 6 cards and form a cross to see who's got you in their crosshairs: Card 1: Who has a crush on me? Card 2: How will I be able to tell—what way will they act around me? Card 3: What will they do about it? Will they fess up? Card 4: How will I be able to spot them? Card 5: What should I do about it? Should I make the first move? Card 6: What kind of romantic potential do we have?

The "My Future Love" Spread. Eager to get a peek at "The One"? That's totally fine—the Universe is all about doling out a few spoilers. If you're sure you want a teaser instead of waiting for a fun surprise, go for it. This layout might just give you the extra edge to spot your destined SO right away. Draw 10 cards to form a heart and peer into your romantic future: Card 1: Why haven't I run into the love of my life yet? Card 2: How can I fix this—how can I run into them ASAP? Card 3: What should I do to get ready to meet them? Card 4: How will I know that I found them? Card 5: Where will I find them? Card 6: When will I find them? Card 7: What kind of tips do my guides and angels have for me? Card 8: What will my first impression of them be? Card 9: What will we share in common? Card 10: What can I do to make my bond with them last?

The "Manifest a Soulmate" Spread. Are you in the right place to welcome in a soulmate? If so, then send out a signal to the Universe. As soon as you use this layout, your angels and guides will set everything in motion. Draw 5 cards to form a capital "M," which stands for manifesting, of course: Card 1: Dear Universe—how would you describe my soulmate? Card 2: How can I let go of limiting beliefs so I can be fully ready for them? Card 3: What do I need to learn about trust and commitment? Card 4: In what ways can I improve the way I communicate and open up? Card 5: What inner work should I do to find lasting love?

Spreads to Celebrate Self-Love

The "Honor Yourself" Spread. To fully love yourself, you've got to put yourself on the pedestal, honey. While partnerships are absolutely lovely, you can never go wrong with taking stock of all your awesome qualities. So, pull out your deck and get ready to dote on yourself. Draw 6 cards and form the letter "C," which stands for cherishing the wonderful being you are: Card 1: How do I see myself? Card 2: What stops me from prioritizing my own needs? Card 3: How can I show myself that I am worthy? Card 4: How can I be more authentic? Card 5: What do I need to release to fully embrace myself? Card 6: What do I need to acknowledge to see my true value? Card 7: What do my spirit guides and angels want to tell me?

The "Love Yourself First" Spread. If you're in the mood for a healthy give-and-take, this is an excellent layout. It'll bring to light all the gifts you offer the world, and it'll also remind you not to spread yourself too thin. Draw 5 cards and form the letter "X" to encourage yourself to nourish your soul and block out what doesn't serve you: Card 1: Tell me, Universe—what makes me so wonderful? Card 2: What's a special gift that I can share with others? Card 3: What holds me back from true happiness? Card 4: What blocks should I remove to feel truly free? Card 5: What's the best way to show myself love?

The "Self-Care" Spread. Sometimes, life is just meant to be cozy and chill. If you're in the mood to spoil and look after yourself—don't hold back. Consult your cards and see what they have to tell you about some well-deserved R&R. Draw 5 cards and split it into 2 rows to learn how to totally pamper yourself: Card 1: What does my inner child need? Card 2: What does my future self need? Card 3: How can I treat myself right now? Card 4: How should I spend my free time to restore and refresh myself? Card 5: What's my self-care mantra?

The "Tell Me I'm Delicious" Spread. If you want to be totally worshiped, your tarot cards could be your cosmic cheerleading squad. While humility definitely has its place, it's okay to acknowledge you're the complete package. Draw 6 cards and split them in 2 rows to learn why you're such a treat: Card 1: So, Universe—what makes me so awesome? Card 2: What don't I see about myself that makes everyone fall in love with me? Card 3: What do people find so magnetic about me? Card 4: What should I do to stay confident on the daily? Card 5: What should I release to let go of self-doubt? Card 6: What's my energy like? What makes me unforgettable?

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