Remote Viewing Explained: What It Is & How to Do It
Remote Viewing Explained: What It Is & How to Do It
Remote viewing, or ESP, is a pseudoscience once used by the CIA in which subjects tap into their subconscious to accurately describe an undisclosed location, event, person, or object. It’s closely related to other psychic abilities like clairvoyance and telepathy. In this article, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about remote viewing, including what it is, how to remote view, and the history of the practice. Plus, learn alternative meanings associated with the term “remote view.”
How does remote viewing work?

What is remote viewing (ESP)?

Remote viewing is a psychic ability that allows you to see things that are far away. Remote viewers can accurately describe a person, place, object, or event that they cannot see because it is separated by distance. Remote viewing is closely related to clairvoyance and telepathy and is viewed as a pseudoscience. For example, a remote viewer may describe a location on the other side of the world which they have never visited, an object sealed in a locked room, or an event that happened long ago without being told anything about their target. Unlike other psychic abilities, remote viewing isn’t used to give psychic readings, but instead, it has historically been used scientifically, especially relating to criminal investigations and government intelligence work. Remote viewing may be better known as ESP, which stands for extra sensory perception.

How to Remote View

Have someone select a range of targets. Targets are the images you’re trying to see. Ask a friend or family member to select 5-10 pictures of real world images like people, architecture, nature, etc., and paste each image on a different piece of blank, white paper. Have them seal the images face down in a manilla envelope and reveal nothing about the images to you. Try cutting the images out of a magazine. Just make sure they’re real photos and not cartoons or drawings. Make sure your assistant doesn’t select any images that may be disturbing or offensive to you.

Quiet your mind and let go of distractions. Take deep, even breaths and try to let go of your thoughts. Write down the date, time, and any ideas that may distract you while remote viewing. Focus on nothing but the images before you. It may help to meditate before starting your remote viewing session.

Describe the first target. Begin the remote viewing session by trying to “see” the image on top of the pile in the envelope. Start with your most basic impressions. For example, is it a person, place, or thing? Is it surrounded by land or water? Write down any impressions and descriptors that come to mind, and try not to second guess yourself. The idea is that your subconscious already knows everything about the target and it’s trying to communicate that to your conscious mind. It often does so through subtle sensations and feelings. Write down any sensory information, like smells, tastes, and temperatures. Think about size, shapes, and patterns, as well. These are known as “dimensionals.”

Sketch your target on a piece of paper. Take your time, and don’t worry about how the sketch looks. Focus on the image you see in your mind and do your best to translate it to paper. Try to sketch the target from the same angle that you see it.

Picture the target from a bird’s eye view. Imagine yourself floating hundreds of feet (or meters) above the target. Does this change any of your impressions? Is there anything surprising that you can perceive? Write down your final thoughts.

Open the envelope and examine the image. When you’re done, write down the time and a brief summary of what you saw and/or felt. Then, without looking at the rest of the photos, pull the top image out of the envelope and examine it. Take your time and really look at all the colors, shapes, and patterns, and compare it to your notes. If you did fairly well, make note of what aspects you got right and which ones you could improve on. Try to focus on these areas with the next image to see how you do the second time around. If you didn’t connect with anything in the photo, it’s okay. Like anything, remote viewing takes practice, and it’s a skill that can be developed over time. Just keep practicing!

Repeat the process with the other targets. After you’ve thoroughly examined the first target, go ahead and try the next one. After viewing each image, take the time to see how much you got right. Repeat until you’ve remotely viewed all the targets. Pay attention to any noticeable patterns between the targets you did well on. For example, did you do well with images of places but struggled with people? This way, you’ll know what you need to practice on next time.

History of Remote Viewing

The US Government used remote viewing during the Cold War. During World War II, the Soviet Union heard rumors that the United States military was using psychic communications at sea and began their own psychic training within their military and intelligence agencies. When the U.S. government learned of this program, they introduced their remote viewing CIA training program in the 1970s.

Stanford University conducted remote viewing tests for the CIA. The CIA provided money and resources to the Stanford Research Institute to test whether remote viewing was real. Physicists sought “natural psychics” to test for different abilities, like being able to accurately describe undisclosed, distant locations. The program ran from the 1970s to 1995, when it was declassified. The first subject was psychic, artist, and scientist Ingo Swann, who could “remote view” the weather in various cities. He later coined the term remote viewing. Beginning in the late 70s, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Lab (PEAR) also conducted research on remote viewing.

Other Meanings of Remote View

RemoteView is software that provides remote access to a computer. Mainly used for remote office work and tech support, this software allows users to access computers and mobile devices from anywhere in the world. Users can access files, software, and other resources on the computer as long as they have an internet connection. RemoteView is not the only remote viewing software. Others include RemotePC, RealVNC, and LogMeIn. RemoteView also refers to an electronic light table application used to review satellite images on a computer rather than on film or printed photographs.

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