- You must use a pickaxe or drill with at least 200% pickaxe power to get Chlorophyte Ore.
- Chlorophyte Ore is only found in Hardmode in Underground Jungles.
- The ore will slowly spread to nearby tiles as long as it's under the Underground level.
Mining Chlorophyte Ore
Chlorophyte can be found in the Underground Jungle on Hardmode. Chlorophyte Ore slowly spreads as long as you're in Hardmode and it's in the Underground layer, converting nearby Mud and Jungle Grass blocks into ore. Underground Jungles are found underneath the Jungle Biome. The depth you'll have to dig varies on your map size: Small: Minimum 60 ft. underground, maximum 420 ft. underground Medium: Minimum 90 ft. underground, maximum 630 ft. underground Large: Minimum 120 ft. underground, maximum 840 ft. underground
You'll need a pickaxe or drill with at least 200% pickaxe power. This means you'll need at least the Pickaxe Axe or the Drax to mine Chlorophyte Ore. To craft the Pickaxe Axe or the Drax, you'll need 18 Hallowed Bars, 1 Soul of Fright, 1 Soul of Might, and 1 Soul of Sight. You can craft it at either a Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil. You'll have to defeat all three mechanical bosses to make these tools. The Destroyer drops the Soul of Might, The Twins drop the Soul of Sight, and Skeletron Prime drops Soul of Fright.
Using Chlorophyte Ore
Chlorophyte Ore is mainly used to make Chlorophyte Bars and Bricks. Chlorophyte Bars are used to make a number of items, including Chlorophyte tools and weapons. Chlorophyte Bricks are used to make Chlorophyte Brick Walls. Chlorophyte Bar: 5 or 6 Chlorophyte Ores (depending on which version of the game you're playing) crafted in an Adamantite or Titanium Forge Chlorophyte Brick: 1 Chlorophyte Ore and 2 or 5 Stone Blocks (depending on which version of the game you're playing) crafted in a Furnace Titanium Ore: You can also use Shimmer Transmutation to turn a Chlorophyte Ore into Titanium Ore.
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