How to Make Yourself Attractive to Women
How to Make Yourself Attractive to Women
Do you feel like no women find you attractive? Are you lonely every Friday night, or just with your mates? Well here's the ultimate guy to making yourself attractive to women!

Stand in front of a full-length mirror. What don't you like about yourself? Maybe it's your lack of a six-pack or your hairstyle? You should fix all the things you dislike about yourself first before you try to make yourself attractive to others, because you won't be confident! Confidence is the key.

Groom your facial hair. Studies show that women prefer a clean-shaven man or at least one who keeps his facial hair tidy. So if you have a bushy knee-length beard and you're wondering why the women aren't all over you... statistics suggest shaving it off. This also goes for eyebrows. If you have the dreaded monobrow or extremely bushy eyebrows, don't fear going to a waxing specialist to get them cleaned up, it'll be worth it.

Style your hair! There are many different attractive hairstyles for men. If you don't know which one to choose, try flipping through a magazine or Googling some actors to give you an idea. Or if you're really in doubt, ask your hairdresser what kind of hairstyle they think would look good on you. And if you're balding, there are many new products on the market at the moment which advertise hair growth.

Dress to impress. Do you think your unfashionable trousers and Hawaiian shirt are suitable day-wear? Think again. Customize your new look. It should be moderately comfortable, fashionable and appropriate. Perhaps even have an idol, like a famous male actor. If you're really hopeless with clothing, get a friend to help until you get the hang of realizing what's acceptable to wear out and what's not.

Get in shape. I'm not going to lie, a beer gut and flabby arms aren't exactly every girls dream. Start working out, even if you hate it. Walk to work instead of driving, or ride a bike. Take the longer route when you need to get somewhere. Join a new sport (which is another things women love, team players!). If you're seriously overweight, hire a personal trainer and get the body you and the women want!

Get a dog. It's a real chick magnet if you have a furry little fluff ball of cuteness. Walk it around at the beach and take it to cafes. Get a bowl for it to drink from and, rest assured, women will smile at you for being so thoughtful or even stop by to ask if they can pet it. Take this chance! Make small talk while they pet it. Ask if they have a pet, whereabouts they live or if they come here often.

Get the job of your dreams. Women love success. So don't be afraid getting that job of your dreams. You can do it! Money makes you more attractive to women: remember that.

Perfect your personality. It isn't all about looks! One wikiHow user conducted a survey of some of their girl friends, asking them what three characteristics they most liked to see in men's personality. They all said; charming, intelligent, funny. If these aren't your natural characteristics, fake it. Charming? Compliment her on her outfit (not the way her body looks in it though!). Open the door for her, or pull out a chair. Say you like the way her hair falls. It sounds corny, but women love this if it sounds like you mean it. Intelligence? Bring up a recent disaster and comment on how devastating it is. She'll love how you can empathize. Funny? Make fun of yourself if you can't find a good joke! Nothing serious, of course, or you'll just sound pathetic. The easiest way to perfect your personality is to just get out there and have experiences with other people. The more you chat and interact with different people, the more confidence you're going to build.

Don't be vain! So you're confident, charming, good-looking and successful. But now that you've got all that, don't be checking your hair or your suit in a mirror every five minutes!

Get out there. You won't meet anyone reading wikiHow articles! Remember—you don't get any practice or experience by staying home or limiting yourself to a guys' night out.

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