How to Gain Fat on the Arms
How to Gain Fat on the Arms
For some people, gaining weight can be difficult. You might worry that your low body weight is affecting your health, or you might just want to change your look. It can be especially hard to try to gain weight in a specific area of your body. By changing your exercise routine and your diet, you can begin to make changes to your arms.

Targeting Your Arm Muscles

Tone your triceps. It can be difficult to gain fat in a specific area of your body. It is much easier to gain weight in the form of muscle. Toning your arms is a great way to increase their size. There are many effective exercises that will target your arm muscles. Your triceps should be a main focus. Learn to do a triangle push-up. The triangle differs from a traditional push-up because your hands are directly under your chest, instead of spread out. Form a triangle with your two hands by touching the tips of your index fingers together. Extend your thumbs and touch the points of your thumbs together. Lower yourself almost to the ground and back-up. As with traditional push-ups, utilize your core to stabilize your body. You'll get bonus ab work while you work your triceps. You can do these push-ups from your knees in the beginning and work up to a full plank. If you are working from your knees, try to begin with 10 reps. Gradually build to 2-3 sets. If you are working from plank, start by trying to complete 5 reps. Gradually build to 2-3 sets. Tricep kick-backs are also very effective. To perform kick-backs, hold your arm at a 90-degree angle at your side. Extend your arm back, straightening it. You can use light weights while performing this move. Do 12 reps, then switch sides. By building muscles in your triceps, your arms will appear more toned and shapely.

Work your biceps. In order to increase the size of your arms, you need to target several different muscles. Familiarize yourself with each of the different arm muscles. In addition to the triceps, which are the back of your arms, your biceps are very important--they are just above your inner elbow. Curls are one of the most effective ways to target your biceps. Simply curl your arms up towards your shoulders, then extend. Using heavier weights will build larger muscles. Light weights will tone and lengthen your arm muscles. Begin with 12 reps on each side. Building bicep muscles will increase the overall size of your arms. Make sure to avoid momentum. This means that you should not swing your arms while doing curls. Instead, go slowly and focus on resisting the motion on the way up and down.

Build bigger shoulders. To effectively shape your arms, you will also need to target your shoulder muscles. Try doing presses. Hold your arms at 90-degree angles out from your shoulders, in front of you. Your feet should be shoulder width apart and your knees slightly bent.Then press one arm up, holding a weight. Alternate arms. Breathe out as you raise your arm, and inhale as you lower it, focusing on keeping your elbows in near your body. Begin by doing 8-12 reps on each side. You can start out with light weights, such as 5 lbs., and work your way up. Creating larger shoulder muscles will up your arms appear larger and more defined.

Consult a trainer. If it seems overwhelming to try to learn about how to target specific muscle groups, you should consider working with a personal trainer. A trainer can create an exercise program tailored to fit your individual goals. She can help you find the best exercises to add weight to your arms, and can teach you how to do each move properly. Ask your gym if they offer some introductory personal training sessions at a discount. That way you can make sure you like the trainer and find the program useful. If you are not interested in one on one training, try a small group session. These are always a less expensive option.

Be consistent. Whether you choose to work with a trainer or on your own, consistency is key to gaining weight in your arms. You should plan to do strength training 2 to 4 times a week. If you are lifting heavy weights, your sessions should be less frequent than if you are doing lighter lifting. Your muscles need time to rebuild, so try to take a rest day between strength training sessions. The amount of weight you lift depends on your size and fitness level. It also depends on your goals and what results you are looking for. If you belong to a gym, ask one of the staff members to make some recommendations for your particular body type.

Eating for Weight Gain

Increase your calorie consumption. In order to gain weight in any part of your body, you need to take in more calories. You also want to make sure that you are taking in the right kind of calories. Take a healthy approach when trying to gain weight. Don't use it as an excuse to fill up on calorie heavy items such as fried foods and sweets. You won't see the type of results that you want, and you'll risk health issues. Try to increase your calorie count by eating healthy foods. Eat starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, and peas. These have higher calorie counts than other vegetables, but are still full of nutrients. Add more fat to your diet. Fat contains nine calories per gram. You can add olive oil, butter, or coconut oil to your meals to add more fat to them. Olive oil in particular is a healthy fat. It contains about 120 calories per serving. Try stirring some into whatever you're eating--oatmeal, soup, salad dressing--to boost your calorie intake for that meal. Read labels. Avoid items that are "low fat", "light", or "diet". For example, eat regular cottage cheese rather than the light version.

Eat more frequently. When you're trying to gain weight, it can be difficult to get all of the calories that you need from just three daily meals. Try eating five mini-meals throughout the day. Depending on your food choices, you may end up consuming more calories. Add in healthy snacks. Look for foods that are high calorie, but low volume. Nuts are a great option, as they contain lots of fiber and protein. Try keeping a bag of almonds on hand. Try adding snacks that also contain healthy fats and carbohydrates. Hummus and multi-grain crackers is a tasty one to try.

Drink more smoothies. Eating five meals a day, plus snacks, can add up to a lot of food. Smoothies are a good alternative for when you need a change. Make your smoothies with whole milk or yogurt and some fresh fruit. You can also add in some flax seed or protein powder to get extra nutrients. Try adding some spinach to your smoothies. It's a great way to sneak some more vegetables and nutrients into your diet. Avoid filling up on beverages such as diet sodas. The liquids will make your stomach feel full, but won't be adding any calories to your diet.

Consult your doctor. If you are underweight (even just in your arms) it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Being underweight might be an indicator of an underlying health problem. It's also a good idea to speak to your doctor before undertaking any type of weight gain program. Your doctor can serve as an excellent resource for you. Ask them for a referral to a registered dietitian. A registered dietitian will help you figure out the right foods to eat to help you to gain weight in a healthy manner.

Having a Healthy Attitude

Stay positive. When you are struggling to make healthy changes to your body, it can be frustrating if you don't see fast results. Try to keep a positive attitude and don't give up. Doctors say that there actually is power in positive thinking. Keep your head up and keep trying. You will eventually achieve the results you want. Research indicates that positive thinking leads to lower stress levels. Lower stress levels mean you'll have more energy to focus on your strength training.

Focus on your strengths. When you are trying to gain weight in your arms, it can be easy to let that be your entire focus. It's often easier to focus on what you don't like, instead of what you do like. Try taking a minute every day to compliment yourself. Choose one thing each day that you like about yourself and focus on that. If you recently delivered an excellent presentation at work, remind yourself that you are a hard worker. Try taping a positive affirmation to your bathroom mirror. It can say something like, "You have a great smile. Don't forget to use it."

Reward yourself. When you are doing any sort of diet, whether it is to gain or lose weight, it can be useful to set mini-goals for yourself. For example, make it a point to add 200 calories to your diet each day. Once you've successfully done that, give yourself a reward. One idea is to award yourself an hour of guilt-free "me" time. Indulge in a bad TV show or trashy magazine. And don't feel bad about it for one minute. Indulge yourself by getting a massage after you've stuck to your workout routine for a month. Your muscles have earned it!

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