How to Dye Your Hair with Eyeshadow
How to Dye Your Hair with Eyeshadow
Eyeshadow can be used for dyeing hair temporarily. The good thing about this hair coloring method is that it washes out, and you can use it to see whether you'd like your hair to be a different color more permanently. This form of temporary dye is also customizable if you're okay about mixing different colors together; a little experimentation can be part of the fun.

Liquid eyeshadow dye

Find suitable eyeshadow. Choose old eyeshadow or some from the dollar store. It's probably best to not use your good quality, expensive makeup.

Crush the eyeshadow into a fine powder. Use a fork, end of a butter knife, or similar to help you mash it up in a bowl.

Add warm water to the powdered eyeshadow. This will form the "dye" for your hair. Stir to mix well.

Set up the dyeing area in the bathroom. You need to be somewhere that it's okay to make a mess and easy to clean up afterward. You may even wish to lay a tarpaulin sheet over the area where you're doing this. You may also find it helpful to be in front of a mirror.

Wear old clothes. If the dye from the eyeshadow runs, it may stain your clothing.

Wash your hair first. Wash your hair as usual, use shampoo and conditioner.

Squeeze as much moisture out of your hair as possible. Place an old towel around your neck and wear old clothes.

Apply the liquid eyeshadow "dye" onto your clean hair.

Wear a shower cap to keep your hair up and in contact with the eyeshadow dye.

Wait for any minutes, seconds, or hours to let the color take. It'll be a little darker the longer you leave it.

Allow your hair to dye. Wear it out to a fun occasion.

Wash to remove. Use shampoo and conditioner as normal, to remove the eyeshadow colorant. Apple cider or white vinegar will definitely get it out if any is left after shampooing; just put a rinse of vinegar through to get the color off, then repeat with shampoo and conditioner to finish.

Powdered eyeshadow dye

Set up the dyeing area in the bathroom. You need to be somewhere that it's okay to make a mess and easy to clean up afterward. You may even wish to lay a tarpaulin sheet (or similar cover) over the area where you're doing this. You may also find it helpful to be in front of a mirror.

Wear old clothes. If the dye from the eyeshadow runs, it may stain your clothing.

Find a good container to mix the ingredients in. A baby wipes or plastic food container are suitable choices. If it has a lid and you have leftovers, you can store what's left.

Gather together the eyeshadow (one or more colors). As with Method 1, consider using up your old eyeshadow(s). You'll also need baby powder.

Place all of the eyeshadow you wish to use into the mixing container. If you are mixing colors, start with the eyeshadow you're thinking of using up completely, then add other colors as needed, gradually until the desired color is reached.

Pulverize the eyeshadow into a powder. Cut it up with a butter knife, then crush it with the rounded end of the knife.

Add other eyeshadow colors if relevant. Do this gradually, so that you keep control over the color.

Add the baby powder. Don't overdo this, or you will find it stiffens your hair when applied. There should be enough powder mix to cover your hair.

Work over your prepared area to avoid leaving a mess anywhere else. Remember those old clothes! Dip the brush you're using into the mixture you've just created. Begin brushing the color into your hair, getting all of the strands you want colored.

Continue brushing in the color until you're happy with the final result. It will dry and stiffen on contact with the oils in your hair, so there shouldn't be any flaking off after application.

Head forth and enjoy the new color for a short time. Wash out with standard shampoo and conditioner when you're done with it. If it is a bit stubborn, use apple cider or white vinegar to get out any remaining color.

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