Calculating Your Personality Number
Write down your full birth name. This should be your whole name as it appears on your birth certificate—first, middle, and last. If you have multiple middle names or your last name is hyphenated, be sure to write down the whole thing. Also include any suffixes like Jr. or Sr. Even if you’ve changed your name, most Numerologists recommend using your name at birth to determine your personality number. It can help to leave a little space between the letters—so if you were FDR, you might write down F R A N K L I N | D E L A N O | R O O S E V E L T.
Cross out any vowels. Your Personality Number is based on the consonants in your full name. Draw a line through the vowels A, E, I, O, and U. In the case of FDR, we would be left with the letters F R N K L N | D L N | R S V L T. If you have a Y in your name, count it as a consonant if it’s used as a hard “Y,” like in “Young” or “Maya,” or if it’s paired with a vowel in the same syllable and doesn’t create another vowel sound, like “Taylor” or “Jayden.” Otherwise, count it as a vowel.
Assign a number to each consonant in your name. If you’d like, you can count the letters on your fingers—B is 2, C is 3, and so on. Letters with double digits can be reduced by adding the two numbers together—so J, which is 10, would be 1 + 0, which is 1.Or, skip the math and use this table to find the numbers for each letter:
Add together the numbers for each part of your name separately. Combine all of the numbers for your first name, then your middle name, then your last name. Don’t add all of the letters from your whole name together yet—you’ll likely get a different number when you’re finished. For our example of FDR, here’s what we would have: F R N K L N = 6 + 9 + 5 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 30 D L N = 4 + 3 + 5 = 12 R S V L T = 9 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 19
Combine any two-digit numbers to get a single digit. If any part of your name added up to 10 or more, add together the first and second numbers. If that’s still a double-digit, add the numbers again until you’ve reduced it to a single number. For FDR, we’d add: 30 = 3 + 0 = 3 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 19 = 1 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
Combine and reduce the numbers from your whole name. Now, add together the single-digit numbers you got from each part of your name. If those are a double-digit number, add and reduce them the same way you did before—unless your result is 11, 22, or 33. These are considered Master Numbers, and you wouldn’t reduce them. In the case of FDR, we’d add 3 + 3 + 1 to get a Personality Number of 7. When you look into the meaning of this number, you can see how his trailblazing leadership style is reflected in #7’s characteristic traits of independence and wisdom.
What is a personality number?
Your Personality Number shows you the way people see you. It can be hard to see yourself through other people’s eyes. Your Personality Number can help explain why some people are drawn to you and why others may not be, and understanding this can give you important insight into your own strengths and weaknesses. Your Personality Number may also play a part in your decision-making process, so understanding it can help you get insight into your path in life—and possibly help you make big changes when you feel like you need to.
What name should I use if I’ve changed my name?
Most Numerologists agree you should use your birth name. The Personality Number for your given name at birth will give you insight into the personality you were born with. However, people change over time, and your new name may reflect that—so if you resonate strongly with your adopted, married, or chose name, find the Personality Number for that name and see if it reflects important changes in your sense of self.
What does each personality number mean?
Personality Number 1: People with Personality Number 1 tend to be loyal, confident, and independent. They’re natural leaders and aren’t afraid to express themselves openly. They tend to embrace challenges and may be especially successful in management positions. Number 1s tend to be well-dressed and expressive with their fashion style.
Personality Number 2: Personality 2 is known for being warm, compassionate, and friendly. They tend to have a calm, steady personality, and a good eye for detail. Numbers 2s are sensitive and good listeners, and may be especially successful in fields like counseling or teaching. Number 2s tend to be well-dressed as they often care a lot about their appearance.
Personality Number 3: Number 3s are creative and fun, and they’re known for their affectionate and romantic nature. Their optimistic and open nature means they tend to make friends easily, and they may do especially well in the arts. Number 3s often favor bold fashion styles and expressive accessories.
Personality Number 4: Personality Number 4 is family-oriented and reliable. They tend to be organized, preferring to think carefully before making decisions. These lifelong learners can succeed in a variety of roles, but may prefer academics. Number 4s may prefer practical clothing over flashier styles.
Personality Number 5: Personality Number 5 is a quick mover. They’re flexible and spontaneous, and they may prefer to change things up frequently rather than settling into a routine. They also tend to be witty and exciting, often making them the life of the party. Number 5s will likely succeed in a role that involves travel or otherwise offers a great deal of variety. Number 5s often gravitate towards modern, cutting-edge trends.
Personality Number 6: Number 6s are loyal and empathetic, often looking for the best in people. They’re passionate about justice and work hard to bring people together. Their calm, patient natures can help them succeed in counseling roles, although they may also feel drawn to working in the nonprofit sector.“ Number 6s might not care much about looks, preferring comfortable, relaxed styles.
Personality Number 7: People with Personality Number 7 tend to be lifelong learners. They tend to carefully observe what happens around them, and they have an insatiable curiosity about how the world works. Number 7s can seem hard to get to know at first, but once they open up, they tend to be wise and insightful. They may prefer thoughtful fields like philosophy. Number 7s may tend toward classic, timeless styles, but they may also veer toward quirky looks—think an eccentric professor.
Personality Number 8: Number 8s are hard workers and are often comfortable in leadership roles. Their inner strength makes them calm under pressure, and they’re excellent at managing large projects. Because of their work ethic and leadership skills, Number 8s tend to find themselves in top leadership positions wherever they work. Number 8s often prefer well-made, durable clothing.
Personality Number 9: Personality 9s are spiritual and generous. They’re typically trustworthy, and they’re especially gifted at seeing things from another person’s perspective. They may gravitate towards spiritual roles, like clergy or meditation guides. Number 9s tend to favor airy, light-colored clothing. Some Numerology guides advise Number 9s to avoid wearing the color black.
Personality Number 11: The first of the Master Numbers, Number 11s share many of the same traits as Number 2s. They tend to be intuitive and spiritual, are gentle leaders, and care about things like sustainability and healing. They may be drawn to the healthcare field.
Personality Number 22: Number 22s share traits with Number 4s. They’re grounded and hard-working, and their practical natures give them an air of wisdom. They tend to prefer working with their hands and may tend towards agriculture or construction. Number 22s often prefer durable clothing that can hold up to hard work.
Personality Number 33: Featuring many of the same traits as Number 6s, Number 33s are natural leaders, full of empathy, wisdom, and grace. Number 33s combine the intuition of Number 11s and the practicality of Number 22s, making them a powerful force for positivity in the world.
What are other important numbers in numerology?
Life Path Number: Find your Life Path Number by combining the numbers in your date of birth. This can give you an overview of your life journey and help you get insight into your purpose.
Destiny Number (Expression Number): To find your Destiny Number, use all of the letters in your full birth name, including the vowels. This helps you get a better understanding of your inner energy.
Soul Urge Number (Heart’s Desire Number): You can find your Soul Urge Number by assigning a number to all of the vowels in your name, then adding and reducing them. This number can help you get insight into your inner self and what drives your willpower.
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