How to Ask a Girl to the Movies
How to Ask a Girl to the Movies
Taking a girl to the movies can be a fun and casual way to spend time together, but asking her out can be scary. There's no need to worry, though. Know what's playing in theaters ahead of time and find the right time to ask her, and she just might say yes!

Texting Her to Ask Her Out

Get her phone number if you don't already have it. If you'd be more comfortable asking her out through text, get her phone number. The best way to get her number is to ask her for it yourself, but if one of your friends has it, you can ask if they'll pass it on to you. If a friend gave you her number, let her know when you text her the first time so she doesn't think you're stalking her. Say something like, “Hey Lilah, this is Jamie. I got your number from Jacob, I hope you don't mind!” Better yet, have your friend text her and ask if it is okay for them to give you her phone number. (This can also be an indicator that she may be interested in talking with you sometime.)

Ask her out early in the conversation. It's fine to make a little small talk first, but you don't want the conversation to turn mundane. Try to get to the point as soon as possible. Try breaking the ice with a question like “How was your day?” You can chat about her answer, but when that conversation starts to fade, go ahead and tell her what's on your mind.

Keep it simple when you ask her out. You don't need to send her three paragraphs detailing everything you like about her. Being straightforward will make you seem more confident. If you're asking her on a date, make sure it's clear when you ask her! Try including a compliment when you ask her out. Say something like, “I think you're really cool. Some friends and I are going to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 on Friday. Do you want to be my date?”

Wait for her response. Don't send her a wall of texts if she hasn't answered yet. She might be busy or she might be trying to decide how she wants to answer. Wait patiently for her to respond to your texts before you send any new ones.

Wrap up the conversation when you get an answer. If she says yes, awesome! Set up your plans and tell her you'll talk to her later. If she says no, send her a gracious text that lets her know you respect her answer. Say something like, “No problem, maybe we can hang out another time. Have a great night!”

Asking Her out in Person

Comb your hair, put on deodorant, and wear a nice outfit. When you're ready to make your move, make sure you look and smell your best by taking a little extra time when you get dressed. Comb your hair neatly, pick an outfit that's clean and wrinkle-free, and put on deodorant and a light cologne or perfume. Girls appreciate good hygiene, and looking your best might give you an extra confidence boost.

Plan to invite other friends if you don't know the girl very well. If you don't know each other well, the girl might feel more comfortable going to the movies with a group of friends. This is also an excuse to spend time together without experiencing the awkward tension that is common with one-on-one dates. If she has strict parents, going out as part of a group might make it easier for her to get permission to go with you, too.

Approach her when she's not busy or distracted. Make sure you'll have her full attention by picking a time when she's not talking to anyone else or busy with schoolwork. If she's sitting at a table by herself, make eye contact and smile, then ask if you can sit down. If she's standing in a group talking to other people, join the group and wait for a break in the conversation, then ask her if you can talk to her alone. If she's with friends, wait for a break in the conversation, then try saying something like, “Hey, Janie, I wanted to ask you something. Can we go talk over there for just a minute?” It's okay to ask her out in front of her friends, but if she says no, you might feel embarrassed because there were people watching.

Try not to be too goofy when you ask her out. Cracking jokes can help you calm your nervous energy, especially if you are known for being funny, but she might not take you seriously if you joke around too much. It is okay to be nervous around a girl you like; she might find your nervousness adorable. Take a deep breath to calm your nerves, make eye contact with her, and think about what you like about this girl before you ask her out. Also be careful not to talk too much about yourself if you get nervous. You might come across as conceited or not interested in the girl herself!

Be straightforward and invite her to the movies with you. Ask her to the movies early in the conversation. If you think of this as a date, you should let her know up front. Only ask about a specific movie if you know she has been wanting to see it. Try saying something like, “Are you interested in seeing the new Jurassic World sequel? Some friends and I are thinking of going next Friday. Would you like to be my date?” If she says she doesn't want to see that movie or she's already seen it, suggest your second pick or ask if there is another movie she would like to see. If she says no to that, she may not be interested in dating you.

Accept her answer with a smile no matter what she says. If she says yes, great! Ask for her phone number if you don't already have it and tell her you'll text her to figure out a time and the tickets. If she turns you down, accept it gracefully. Try saying something like, “No problem, maybe another time.” Even if your feelings are hurt, try not to show it. Just be proud of yourself for putting yourself out there.

Having Fun at the Movies

Choose a light-hearted movie. If it's your first time seeing a movie together, avoid movies with a serious or depressing theme. Avoid romantic movies as well. Pick a comedy or action movie to keep the mood lighthearted. Romantic comedies can be a fun way to have a few laughs while setting a date mood.

Pick a movie you'll both like. Don't assume she wants to see a chick flick. Pick something you'll both like, not just a sappy love story that you picked because you think it's for girls. You'll be bored, and if she's the kind of girl who loves scary movies, she'll probably be bored too. Just ask her what kind of movies she likes!

Buy the tickets in advance so the movie isn't sold out. The last thing you want is to get to the movie theater only to find out that there aren't any seats left. Buy your tickets online or drop by the theater a few hours before the date so you'll have your tickets ahead of time. This will show her that you cared enough to plan ahead. You don't always have to pay for everything in a relationship, but a good rule of thumb is that the person who does the asking usually picks up the bill for a date.

Be 5 minutes early whether you're picking her up or meeting her there. Being late doesn't make you seem cool or like you have a busy life, it makes you seem inconsiderate. Try showing up about 5 minutes early. This will show her that you're interested without making you seem overeager. You can use the time before the movie to hang out and chat for a bit since you won't be able to talk when the movie is playing.

Wear something nice but casual. You'll be sitting in a chair for about 2 hours, and more if you decide to get something to eat after the movie, so choose an outfit that is comfortable but nice-looking. Think along the lines of a nice shirt and jeans or an Oxford shirt and khakis. Choose something that you feel confident in and that you think you look good in, so that you can start the date feeling confident.

Buy popcorn and drinks if you have extra money. If you can afford it, it's a nice gesture to offer her a snack and a drink to enjoy during the movie. Ask her what she likes, then get it for her. Keep it simple, though — there's no need to buy her the entire concession stand.

Make eye contact during a funny part of the movie. If you notice that you're both laughing at the same part of the movie, look over and catch her eye. Laughing together can make you both feel closer to each other, and you'll have something to talk about after the movie is over.

Try putting your arm around her or hold her hand if she leans towards you. During the movie, you might notice her leaning towards you. If she does this, it might be a sign that she likes you and is enjoying herself. This might be a good time to try brushing your hand against hers. If she doesn't pull away, try holding her hand. If she moves away, let her. You should pay attention to her body language to see how comfortable she feels around you, before initiating physical contact.

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