10 Romantic Ways to Attract a Moon in Taurus Man
10 Romantic Ways to Attract a Moon in Taurus Man
It's easy to be swept off your feet by a moon in Taurus man, but how do you get his attention? A person's moon sign is different from a sun sign—it reveals their emotional state or who they are in private. In relationships, a lunar Taurus looks for someone who's calm and reliable, but there's so much more to learn. For everything you need to know, check out our comprehensive guide to getting a moon in Taurus man to fall for you.

Dress to impress.

A Moon in Taurus man is drawn to someone who's stylish. They like beautiful people! If you want to instantly get his attention, wear something that looks great and makes you feel fabulous. Your outfit and confidence will have him talking to you in no time. He's not looking for the flashiest person in the room. Instead, his style is more classic and subdued. Wear high-quality pieces in earth tones and keep your makeup or jewelry to a minimum. You might wear a silk skirt or velvet trousers with a fitted blouse and a statement necklace or watch for instance.

Ask him out on a classic date.

A lunar Taurus is all about fun, predictable experiences. In a nutshell, this means he would love it if you asked him out for dinner and a movie or drinks and a concert. He'll love the predictability of a traditional date, and he'll enjoy the experiences. If you spring a new activity on him, he won't enjoy the date as much since he'll be out of his comfort zone. Some other great date ideas for a moon in Taurus man include: dessert and an art show, coffee and reading at a bookstore, or wine-tasting at a local vineyard.

Shower him with physical affection.

A moon in Taurus man needs lots of touch and stimulation. Taurus is an earth sign, which is known for practicality. Since it's his moon sign—which represents emotions, it means he's a physical guy. Warm hugs, offers of massages, and casually brushing up against him all go a long way in making him feel a connection with you. When you're talking with him, make a point of touching his shoulder or placing your hand on his back.

Show him that you're level-headed.

A lunar Taurus is looking for a calm, rational partner. You'll catch his eye if you can stay calm when everyone else is overreacting or being dramatic. Since he has Taurus as his emotional moon sign, it means he really relies on logic to handle problems in his life. Big displays of emotion and dramatic behavior are a huge turn-off for a moon in Taurus man. For instance, if you find out that someone has been saying false things about you, he won't want to see you fly off the handle and confront them when you're still upset. He'll be impressed if you cool off and calmly tell the person why you're upset.

Signal your interest in him.

A guy with moon in Taurus wants reliability in a partner. Taurus suns don't like playing games. Taurus moons don't like it when you play hard to get either. To make yourself totally irresistible, be a little flirty or come out and tell him that you're interested in seeing him. He'll be relieved to know that you are into a relationship. You might say something like, "Hey, I'd love to get to know you better. Want to meet up this weekend?"

Surprise him with romantic gestures.

Your moon in Taurus guy is driven by warm, sentimental feelings. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so it's not surprising that he enjoys romance. Sweep your guy off his feet by planning a sensual night in—think candles, chocolate, bubble baths. You can't go wrong with the classics! He probably has some romantic movies that he loves. Suggest a movie night where you two can cuddle and enjoy the show.

Be completely honest.

Taurus needs to know that he can trust you. He may test you by telling you a secret and seeing if you can keep it. Taurus is one of the most honest and genuine signs of the zodiac. Since it's your guy's moon sign, it means that he prioritizes integrity, so he has to know that you're trustworthy. He'll also pay attention to how you treat your friends—don't gossip or reveal your friends' secrets, or he'll feel like he can't trust you.

Talk about the future with him.

This moon in Taurus man is attracted to someone who has plans for their life. He'll love hearing about what you want or hope to achieve. It also helps him envision what a life with you would be like. Few things attract a Taurus moon like being prepared for the future! It's okay if you don't have your life plans set in stone. Even just talking about possibilities can help your Taurus moon feel like he's on the same page.

Give him alone time.

This moon sign needs some downtime time to recharge. You've probably noticed that your man has periods of intense productivity and activity—he probably wants to do lots of things with you and make plans. However, he also needs space to chill out. Giving him the downtime he needs shows him that you get him. For instance, don't assume that he wants to spend every night together. You might say something like, "We've met up every day this week. Would you like a night off, so you can have some alone time?"

Be passionate in the bedroom.

A moon in Taurus man uses sex as a way to bond emotionally. He'll want you to take your time and really enjoy yourself. Spend extra time on foreplay or sexy talk to get him in the mood. He'll be hooked by your intensity and enthusiasm. For instance, he may really like it if you vocalize during sex. Tell him what you love about him all while meeting his gaze.

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