The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) competitive written (objective) exam for the Agriculture Service is set to occur between March 1 and March 4. Candidates who applied for the exam can download the admit card by visiting the official website at bpsc.bih.nic.in or onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in, once out. Before obtaining the admit card, candidates are required to log in to their dashboard and upload a passport-size photograph. Following this step, they will be eligible to download the admit card.
How to Download Your BPSC Agriculture Service Exam Admit Card?
Step 1: Go to the official websites of BPSC either at onlinebpsc.bihar.gov.in or bpsc.bih.nic.in.
Step 2: Once on the homepage, proceed to log in to the portal using your login credentials.
Step 3: After logging in, carefully verify the details entered and then submit them.
Step 4: Once submitted, download the admit card and make sure to print it out for future reference.
Candidates must ensure they bring an extra copy of the shift admit card to the examination centre every day. During the examination, they should sign this additional copy and hand it over to the invigilator. This process is mandatory for all days of the examination. Notably, detailed information and announcements regarding candidates whose photo and signature images are unclear/missing from the e-admit card are displayed on the commission’s website.
The selection process for the BPSC Agriculture Officer Recruitment 2024 written exam and interview. The written examination is said to encompass three subjects: General Hindi (100 marks), General Knowledge (100 marks), and Subject-specific topics (400 marks). The examination will likely be objective-type and consist of 400 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
On January 10, 2024, the Bihar Agriculture Department Service issued a notification for the BPSC Agriculture Officer Recruitment 2024, announcing a total of 1051 positions. These positions include Sub-Divisional Agriculture Officer/Deputy Project Director (Agronomy), Assistant Director (Plant Protection), Assistant Director (Crops), Block Agriculture Officer, and Assistant Director (Agricultural Engineering) posts to be filled within the Agriculture Department, Bihar, Patna, through BPSC.
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