EXPLAINED: Why More Children are Being Rushed to Hospitals in Many States and What are the Concerns
EXPLAINED: Why More Children are Being Rushed to Hospitals in Many States and What are the Concerns
With parents alarmed by the possibility of a Covid third wave, healthcare expert Dr GV Basavaraja tries to put the doubts to rest.

In the past few weeks, several places across the country have witnessed a rush of children in hospitals complaining of fever, cold, cough and Covid-like symptoms. With the anticipation of the third wave, it is understandable for parents to panic in this situation. Dr GV Basavaraja, medical superintendent and professor of paediatrics at Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, as well as a member of the special committee to tackle the third wave in Karnataka, has answered the most common questions that worried parents have now.

Children falling sick in large numbers. Is this normal?

Definitely yes. Parents should understand that children of the entire population have stayed indoors for over 20 months now. It is from mid-May this year that we saw a decline in Covid cases. It is in the same period that vaccination drives happened massively. People started bringing their children outside after this. So, suddenly, the susceptible population is exposed to natural infections, and hence the surge.

Is this the onset of the third wave as kids were said to be the likely targets?

Children as the target population for a third wave is an assumption, which we should be aware of. But no, the current increase in fever and other health issues in kids is not the beginning of the third wave.

What should one do when a child falls sick?

Firstly, don’t panic. The hospitals are all equipped for any situation. But when you notice a slight increase in temperature or any illness, don’t ignore the symptoms. And definitely don’t try over-the-counter medications. Parents should take the child to their nearby paediatrician at the earliest. This will help avoid hospitalisation to a great extent.

Why are more children having Covid-like symptoms?

One should understand that Covid-19 is also a kind of flu. So all the symptoms that we are seeing in children now have a very similar set of patterns. Cold, cough, body ache, fever are common symptoms for the majority of viral infections. Hence, we can’t conclude this as Covid just by the symptoms.

When should the child be rushed to the hospital?

When a child’s fever doesn’t come down even after medication for 2 days, or if the child starts finding it difficult to breathe, bring the child to hospital immediately. The doctor will decide if admission is required. Otherwise, the child can be treated in the outpatient department.

Is a Covid test mandatory for children? If yes, how to get it?

As of now, Covid tests for children are not mandatory in all cases. BBMP has ordered RT-PCR for children whose symptoms don’t improve even after 2 days of treatment. If the treating physician feels the necessity, he/she will suggest RT-PCR, which is now available at various centres.

What actually are these several unidentified fevers that are around?

These are a variety of viral infections, from influenza, dengue, to others, which were normally affecting school-going kids. Since Covid etiquette of mask-wearing, physical distancing and sanitisation were practised by the population for a long time, these infections also subsided. Now, with vaccination and returning to normal crowded life, they are back. But one should remember that all these infections are completely treatable. Most kids are being cured anyway. Parents should be alert and see a paediatrician in the early stages of the kids’ sickness to avoid hospitalisation.​

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