Woman Orders Skirt On Vinted, Seller Cancels It; Here's Why
Woman Orders Skirt On Vinted, Seller Cancels It; Here's Why
The buyer ordered the skirt on Vinted for a favourable amount of Rs 418.

Buying clothes has become a habit for many, but purchasing from a store or renowned brand can be expensive. Opting for thrift stores or online platforms can offer cheaper alternatives.

Conversely, selling old clothes online is a growing trend. It not only clears wardrobe space but also provides an opportunity to earn extra money from unused pieces. However, this process involves effort in packaging and shipping items to buyers.

In a notable incident, an online buyer ordered a skirt on Vinted for a favourable amount of Rs 418. However, the exchange did not proceed as the seller cancelled it. The reason given by the seller surprised both the buyer and the internet community.

The buyer shared the situation on Reddit, stating, “My friend sent me this earlier. She ordered a skirt off Vinted and after two hours of waiting, the order was cancelled. Check out the reason given.” The post revealed that the seller cancelled the order due to personal reasons, stating, “My boyfriend cheated on me and I can’t leave my bed.” Despite the cancellation, the buyer received a refund for the skirt.

The Reddit post garnered over 100,000 responses from users, with many commenting on the situation. Some suggested letting the seller keep the money as a form of support, while others encouraged not allowing a cheating partner to hinder financial opportunities.

Moreover, other Vinted buyers shared their own bizarre experiences with online exchanges. One user recounted receiving a parcel packaged in a meat pack from a local butcher, while another mentioned receiving items packaged inside a nappy. These peculiar incidents highlighted the unpredictable nature of online shopping experiences.

The incident shows the unexpected encounters occurring in online transactions, prompting both amusement and empathy from internet users.

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