Still Stalking Your Ex On Social Media? 8 Effective Ways To Move On
Still Stalking Your Ex On Social Media? 8 Effective Ways To Move On
Remember that stalking your ex on social media would prolong your pain and prevent you from moving on and trust us when we say you really do not want that to happen

Breaking up with someone you cared for deeply can be a difficult and painful experience. Also, it’s natural to feel a sense of loss and confusion in the aftermath. Likewise moving on after a breakup can be challenging too for many. These days as social media makes it easy to keep a track of your ex, many still continue checking the activities of their ex-boyfriend or girlfriend. One common coping mechanism people use to deal with the pain of a breakup is to obsessively stalk their ex on social media, constantly refreshing their feed in the hope of finding some shred of information that might give them closure or make them feel better.

The behaviour may seem like an easy means to feel connected to your ex and process your emotions, but it would actually prolong your pain and prevent you from moving on.

If you’re struggling to let go of a past relationship and find yourself constantly checking your ex’s social media profiles, it’s important to recognise that there are healthier and more productive ways to cope with your feelings. Here are some of the best strategies for moving on from a breakup and building a happier future for yourself, instead of social media stalking.

1. Unfollow your ex on social media

The first step to moving on is to remove your ex from your social media accounts. This will prevent you from seeing their posts and photos. It could be helpful for you to avoid the temptation to stalk them.

2. Set boundaries for yourself

It’s important to set boundaries for yourself when it comes to social media. Decide on a certain amount of time you will allow yourself to spend on networking apps each day and stick to it. Also, make a rule for yourself that you will not check your ex’s profile.

3. Focus on your own life

Instead of focusing on your ex’s life, focus on your own. Follow your hobbies, spend time with friends and family, or take up some new activities. Focusing on your own life can help you move forward.

4. Seek support

It’s important to have a support system during this time. Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about how you’re feeling. They can offer you guidance and support and help you through this difficult period.

5. Take a break from social media

If you find that social media is too tempting and you can’t resist the urge to stalk your ex, take a break from social media altogether. This will help you focus on your own life and give you a break from the constant reminders of your ex.

6. Remember the reasons why you broke up

When you find yourself missing your ex, remind yourself of the reasons why you broke up in the first place. This can help you move forward and reflect on the problems you faced in your relationship.

7. Be kind to yourself

It’s important to be kind to yourself during this time. Allow yourself to grieve the end of the relationship and take the time you need to heal. Remember that healing takes time and it’s okay to feel the pain. No need of pretending that you are strong enough not to feel the emotional pain of a breakup.

8. Practice gratitude

Instead of focusing on what you lost, focus on what you have. Take time to practice gratitude each day and appreciate the good things in your life. This can help shift your perspective and make you feel more positive about the future.

Try these above-mentioned ways and with time, you will be able to move on and heal from your breakup.

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