Top Foods To Include In Your Child's Diet During The Changing Season
Top Foods To Include In Your Child's Diet During The Changing Season
Different seasons bring different temperatures, which can impact your child's appetite and food preferences

As the seasons change, it can be challenging to figure out what foods to serve your child. Different seasons bring different temperatures, which can impact your child’s appetite and food preferences. However, it is important to ensure that your child’s plate is always balanced and nutritious. Foods that are nutrient-dense and help boost immunity, such as seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins are preferred. By including these foods in your child’s diet, you can help them stay healthy and energized as the seasons change. Let’s explore foods to include in your child’s plate during the changing season and why.

The nutrient requirements for children is slightly different especially in the growing stage. Although they need to follow the basic concept of eating similar to adults focusing on both macros and micros, there are some key nutrients or food they should focus on. Children are a lot more active than adults and hence they must have an ample amount of good carbs as well,” says Dr. Manoj Kutteri, CEO and Medical Director, Atmantan Wellness Centre.

The below are the 3 main food groups they should be focusing on


Growing children require a strong immune system, proper physical and mental development, and adequate protein intake. Proteins are essential nutrients that provide the necessary amino acids for children to grow and develop properly. They play a vital role in several physiological functions, including muscle and bone recovery, blood, skin, hair, and nail repair, and building hormones, enzymes, and a healthy immune system. While our body manufactures 11 of the 20 essential amino acids, we need to obtain the remaining nine through the food we eat. Sources of protein for children include nuts, beans, legumes, pulses, lentils, tofu, dairy products, eggs, and fish. As children are more active and energetic than older people, their daily requirement of protein and carbohydrate per body weight is higher. Children aged 1-3 years require 13 grams of protein daily, those aged 4-8 years need 20gms, and 9-13 years require about 34 grams. Adolescents aged 14-18 years need around 45-55gms of protein, depending on their gender.


Fiber is an essential component of a child’s diet as it helps prevent bowel irregularity, a common problem among children who consume junk foods devoid of fiber. Children aged 5 years should consume at least 10-15gms of fiber daily, while those aged 10 years should consume 15-20gms, and 15-year-olds should consume 20-25gm fiber. Consuming fiber-rich foods such as fruits, multi-colored vegetables, and whole grains make us feel full and facilitate food movement inside the digestive tract, helping regularize bowel movements and prevent constipation. In addition, these foods are also excellent sources of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals required for a growing body. Adequate fiber intake can help prevent lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. Therefore, including fiber-rich foods in a child’s diet is crucial for maintaining their health and preventing ailments.


Fruits are a natural and essential source of nutrients for children. It is recommended that children consume at least 4-5 servings of fruits daily, including fruits of various colors and tastes. Fruits are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin A and C, and provide an abundance of minerals such as magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese, and potassium. Multi-colored fruits contain high levels of antioxidants, which can help keep the immune system and overall health at optimal levels, contributing to the immunity of children and teenagers. The energy obtained from fruits is refreshing and beneficial, compensating for their active lifestyles. Fruits are also a rich source of instant sugar, making them a healthy snack option for children. By incorporating fruits into their daily diet, children can obtain essential nutrients required for growth and development while enjoying the delicious taste of fresh, natural food.

Top 5 foods to include in your child’s plate during the changing season

Seasonal fluctuations are inevitable. They occur without fail each year. Moreover, illnesses are on the rise if the temperature fluctuates. “Common cold, sore throat, flu, allergies, and stomach aches are some that occur regularly amongst children with each season change. Weather variations create a favourable environment for viruses to grow and spread,” says Shweta Mishra, Nutritionist, Gritzo.  You may not be able to influence the weather, but you can protect your child by including the below suggested food items in their daily diet.


Curd is an excellent source of immunity for children. It contains live bacteria that can help boost the number of white blood cells in the blood, fighting infections effectively. Additionally, curd is a fantastic probiotic, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Maintaining a healthy gut flora balance can help restore digestive health, mental health, immune function, heart health, and allergies. Regular consumption of curd can help alleviate anxiety, fear, and stress, improving cognitive function significantly. Therefore, including curd in a child’s diet can contribute significantly to their overall health and well-being.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Green vegetables are packed with natural benefits and are one of your body’s best friends. Green vegetables contain a lot of calcium, fiber, folate, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in vitamins A, B, E, C, and K. Thus, these green veggies like – spinach, fenugreek, lettuce aid digestion, bone development, and strength. A diet rich in greens also strengthens the immune system, which can keep your children healthy.

Ginger & Turmeric

As per Ayurveda, home ingredients like- Ginger, Tulsi and Turmeric helps in keeping seasonal cold, cough and fever at bay. During this season, children are more likely to develop fevers and infections caused by bacteria and viruses. Turmeric’s antimicrobial properties help keep these diseases at bay and can hasten recovery. Turmeric when added to milk becomes an excellent beverage for treating the common cold and a sore throat, both of which are common during the changing seasons. One glass before bedtime can temporarily clear out the nasal passages, allowing your child to sleep soundly. Apart from adding turmeric, Ginger should also be included in the diet in the candy form for the children.

Dry Fruits

Almonds, pistachios, cashew nuts, walnuts, peanuts, and other nuts are excellent dietary options all-year-round because of the health benefits they provide to children. They are high in protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, and have a variety of health benefits such as improved digestive health, immunity, and brain development. They are one of the healthiest snacking options for children during the changing seasons to ensure good health.

Vitamin C rich food

There are different kinds of cells in our immune system that are responsible for fighting infections and keeping illness away. Some of these cells require an abundant supply of vitamin C to perform their functions well. When the season changes, eating extra vitamin C can act as a booster dose for these cells and help them perform their functions more efficiently. In addition to this, Vitamin C also aids in the repair of red blood cells and strengthens the immune system during changes in weather and environment. Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, such as strawberries, red bell peppers, and oranges. It also helps to keep your child’s gums healthy and strengthens their blood vessels, reducing bruising from falls and scrapes.

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