Tips For Eating Right During A Flight Journey To Prevent Bloating And Discomfort
Tips For Eating Right During A Flight Journey To Prevent Bloating And Discomfort
 Avoid or limit your intake of carbonated beverages and other food that can cause gas or bloating during your plane journey.

Travelling by air can be an exciting and sometimes exhausting experience. It involves hours of sitting in a confined space, and it’s easy to fall into the temptation of indulging in unhealthy snacks or overeating due to boredom. However, with a little planning and conscious decision-making, you can maintain a healthy lifestyle even while up in the air. By following these recommendations, you can avoid bloating and ensure a comfortable journey from takeoff to landing.

Nutritionist Neha Sahaya has identified some factors why airplane food causes bloating. Let’s look at them-

  1. High Sodium Content:Often high in sodium, airline food ca cause bloating. Excessive sodium intake can lead to water retention and bloating.
  2. Cabin Pressure and Altitude: Cabin pressure and altitude during flights can have an impact on our bodies. The reduced air pressure at high altitudes can cause gas in our stomachs to expand, resulting in feelings of bloating and discomfort. The dry air in the cabin can contribute to dehydration, further exacerbating bloating.
  3. Reduced Movement: Another factor is limited movement during long flights. Passengers often remain seated for extended periods, which can slow down digestion and contribute to bloating due to reduced activity and lack of exercise.

Neha Sahaya provided the following recommendations on what to eat:

  •  It is advisable to opt for light meals that are low in fat and won’t weigh you down. Some examples include salads, grilled chicken or fish, and steamed vegetables or unsalted mixed nuts.
  • Fruits are an excellent option as they are hydrating and contain natural sugars that provide energy. It is recommended to choose fruits such as berries, grapes, bananas, oranges, or watermelon.
  •  Vegetables like cucumber and carrots can be digested easily, making them ideal airplane food.
  • Opt for foods like millet, whole wheat, and quinoa, which provide sustained energy and are less likely to cause bloating compared to refined grains.
  •  Snacking on a small portion of nuts or seeds can provide a healthy dose of protein and healthy fats, helping you stay satisfied during the flight.

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