Let’s Talk Sex | Doctors and the Sex Talk: Why Patients Want Your Advice
Let’s Talk Sex | Doctors and the Sex Talk: Why Patients Want Your Advice
Discussing challenges in your sex life and relationships is just as important as anything else. Take a deep breath and start the conversation and you’ll be glad that you did

To address the widespread misinformation about sex, News18.com is running this weekly sex column, titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’. We hope to initiate conversations about sex through this column and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance.

In this article, we will explain the reasons why sexual health matters and the importance of sex talk with doctors.

So there you are, sitting in the exam room waiting for your doctor to come in, wondering if today’s the day you’ll finally muster up the courage to ask about that burning question you’ve had about sex. Let’s face it — for most people, talking about sex with anyone, let alone your doctor, can be awkward and embarrassing. But here’s the thing: your doctor wants you to ask.

They’re trained professionals, and they know that sexual health and education are just as important as any other aspect of your wellbeing. Not only that, but doctors see and hear it all, so trust me, they won’t even bat an eyelid at your question.

At the end of the day, your doctor’s goal is to make sure you stay happy and healthy, and that includes giving you the information you need to have a safe and fulfilling sex life. So, take a deep breath and speak up; your doctor wants to have the sex talk with you.

Why Sexual Health Matters?

Your sexual health is an important part of overall wellness and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Doctors are there to help without judgment. Being open and honest with your doctor about any issues with your libido, function or relationships leads to better care and overall well-being.

  • Your libido and function can be affected by medical issues like diabetes or heart disease and the medications used to treat them. Talking openly about any changes lets your doctor provide guidance or alternative treatments
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common and often symptomless. The only way to know if you have one is through testing. Your doctor can evaluate your risk and recommend appropriate screening
  • For women especially, pain or dryness during sex can interfere with pleasure and intimacy. There are many treatments for conditions like endometriosis or menopause symptoms, but your doctor can’t help if they don’t know you’re struggling
  • Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men at some point. The good news is there are more options than ever for treatment, from pills to injections to lifestyle changes. But the first step is starting the conversation.

Patients Should Discuss Sex with Their Doctors

Many patients feel awkward discussing their sex life with their doctor, but don’t be — your doctor is there to counsel you on all aspects of your health and wellness. Doctors receive extensive training on human sexuality and intimacy. Bringing up challenges in your sex life allows your doctor to check for any related health issues and provide recommendations to help improve your satisfaction and relationships.

  • Don’t be embarrassed to ask about low libido, difficulty climaxing or painful sex. Your doctor can evaluate for hormone imbalances, medications side effects or other issues
  • Curious about trying new things or need advice on protection and safety? Your doctor is a trusted source for guidance on healthy sexual exploration and risk reduction
  • Concerned that your interests are “outside the norm”? Don’t worry, your doctor has heard it all before and will provide caring, non-judgmental support
  • Want tips to keep things spicy or reconnect with your partner? Your doctor may refer you to resources with helpful relationship and intimacy advice.

How a Sexologist Can Change Your Sex Life for the Better?

Seeing a sexologist can help improve your sex life and overall wellbeing. Here are some ways they can help change your life for the better:

  • Improved communication: A sexologist can help you feel more comfortable talking about sex, sexuality and intimacy with your partner. They teach communication skills and strategies tailored to your relationship and personal needs. With improved communication, you’ll gain a deeper connection and understanding with your partner.
  • Increased knowledge: Many people lack comprehensive sex education and hold misconceptions about sex, sexuality and their own bodies. A sexologist provides evidence-based information and advice to help you better understand yourself and your partner sexually. They can suggest resources for continued learning and exploration.
  • Problem resolution: If you’re experiencing sexual difficulties or challenges in your relationship, a sexologist can help determine the underlying cause and provide practical solutions. They may recommend counselling, mindfulness practices, sex therapy or other interventions based on your issues. Working with a sexologist to resolve problems leads to less stress, greater satisfaction and an overall healthier partnership.
  • Exploration: For some couples, seeing a sexologist is about gaining new insights into their sexuality and learning new ways to connect physically and emotionally. A sexologist can introduce sensual exercises, role playing scenarios, sex toy recommendations and other ways to safely expand your horizons. Trying new activities together builds excitement and fuels passion.

In summary, a knowledgeable and an experienced sexologist provides the education, advice and support you need to cultivate meaningful connections and enrich your sex life. They help you better understand yourself and your partner, improve communication, resolve issues, and explore new intimate experiences together.

At the end of the day, your doctor cares about your overall well-being and happiness. Discussing challenges in your sex life and relationships is just as important as anything else. Take a deep breath and start the conversation and you’ll be glad that you did.

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