From Corruption to Casteism, Learn the Challenges of Democracy With #ClasseswithNews18
From Corruption to Casteism, Learn the Challenges of Democracy With #ClasseswithNews18
Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, but is democracy the best way to run a country? Let us know the challenges faced in democracy in Classes With News18

We often see the people of India fighting for their rights. Why do they have to do this even though we are a part of a democratic society? Is democracy the best way to run a country? What are the limitations and challenges faced in democracy? Let’s find out the answers to all these questions.

The word ”democracy” comes from the Greek word demos, which means “common people” and Kratos, which means strength. Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body. For instance, a parliament is known as a governing body. It is also known as the ”rule of the majority”. In such type of government, power isn’t and cannot be inherited. People elect their leaders. Representatives stand in an election and the citizens vote for their representative. The representative with the most number of votes gets the power.

Even though democracy has been accepted as the best form of Government in this modern world. Yet it has its own problems. Let us understand ten crucial challenges of Democracy in Classes With News18.

Corruption and Inefficiency

In most democratic countries, political leaders and government officials are dishonest, corrupt, and inefficient. They ask for bribes which leads to a lack of trust in the citizens. As a result, citizens generally do not take any interest in elections. They even have no faith in government officials. That adversely affects the working of democracy in a country.

Role of Anti-social Elements

During elections, the role of anti-social elements gets a sudden rise. A lot of people are forced or bribed to vote for a particular candidate or party. Rigging also takes place during elections.

Casteism and Communalism

These two are the biggest challenges in many democratic countries. During elections, a large number of voters give weight to the caste and religion of the candidate. Political parties also keep in mind the caste or religion of a person while distributing tickets for the election. We have seen that representatives elected on the basis of community and caste work for the welfare of the people belonging only to their group.

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Religious Fundamentalism

Religious fundamentalism also reinforces communalists in exploiting both religion and politics. In fact, fundamentalism acts as an ideology which advocates a return to orthodoxy and a strict compliance to the fundamental tenets of religion. Religious fundamentalists vehemently oppose progressive reforms in order to establish their exclusive control on their respective communities.


It is generally said that for a hungry person right to vote does not have any meaning. For him/her the first requirement is food. Therefore, poverty is considered as the greatest bane of democracy. It is, in fact, the root cause of all kinds of deprivations and inequalities. It is the state of denial of opportunities to people to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

The persisting phenomenon of poverty is attributed to many factors, one of which is mass unemployment and under-employment. A large number of people in rural areas do not have regular and adequate work. In urban areas also the number of educated unemployed is very high. The growing population is regarded as a reason for poverty.

Growing Economic and Social Inequalities Among People

There are a lot of socioeconomic inequalities among the people. It is quite evident that all citizens have the right to vote and fight elections but only rich people have a chance to win the election. The underprivileged are forced to sell their votes to fulfill their basic necessities of life like food, clothing, and shelter.  The process of economic development has not been able to ensure social justice and the gap between rich and poor has not been bridged.

Criminalization of Politics

In recent years, criminalization of politics in India has become a debatable issue. There have been allegations that there are some elements in politics who do not have faith in democratic values and practices. They indulge in violence and take refuge in other unhealthy, undemocratic methods to win elections. Undoubtedly, this is not a healthy trend in politics and there is an urgent need to apply serious check on such tendencies.


Illiteracy among people was a matter of grave concern for the successful functioning of democracy in India. The level of education of citizens is a key to both the successful functioning of democracy and socio-economic development of the country.  Literacy is necessary not simply for enabling citizens to participate in elections and exercise their right to vote effectively, it has other important implications as well. Literacy enables citizens to be aware of various issues, problems, demands, and interests in the country.

Political Violence

The use of violence for the political end is dangerous for the existence of any system. In India, we have been witnessing various forms of violence. Communal violence, caste violence, and political violence, in general, have attained serious proportions. Communal riots are engineered by vested interests for political, religious, and economic reasons.


Indian democracy has also been struggling with regionalism which is primarily an outcome of regional disparities and imbalances in development. We all know that India is a plural country with diversities of religions, languages, communities, tribes and cultures. A number of cultural and linguistic groups are concentrated in certain territorial segments. Although development process in the country aims at growth and development of all regions, the regional disparities and imbalances in terms of differences in per capita income, literacy rates, state of health and educational infrastructure and services, population situation and levels of industrial and agricultural development continue to exist. The problem begins when these interests are politicized and regional movements are promoted for ulterior political motives. Such unhealthy regional or sub-regional patriotism is cancerous and disruptive.

From the above-mentioned points, it is clear that these challenges depend on what stage of social development the country is in. Resolutions to these trials also depend on a country’s exclusive situation. There is no pre-prescribed method to confront the challenges faced by democracy.

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