How to Get the Rob Glove in Roblox Slap Battles & What It Does
How to Get the Rob Glove in Roblox Slap Battles & What It Does
Do you want to unleash the power of the rob glove on your enemies and fellow Roblox Slap Battle players? We can show you how. Getting your hands on the rob glove can take some virtual blood, sweat, and tears, which is why we’ve put together a handy guide to walk you through each step—from triggering the Eternal BOB boss fight to winning and unlocking rob (along with the Emissary of Light badge). Keep reading to learn more!
Quick Steps

How to Get the Rob Glove in Slap Battles

Gather a group of 5 players (including yourself). Getting the rob glove requires defeating The Eternal Bob, a powerful boss—which you can’t do without a group of 5 players. Each player must have one of the following gloves: Tycoon, Reaper, God’s Hand, Killstreak, and bob. Furthermore, the players with Killstreak and Reaper gloves must have at least 3 kills with them. If you need to obtain one of the required gloves, do that before attempting to get rob. Tycoon can be obtained through the Plate Master badge. To get it, you must stand on the Plate for at least 10 minutes while on a server with 7+ people. Reaper is a slap-costing glove that can be unlocked with 3,500 Slaps in the game. God’s Hand is a slap-costing glove that costs 60,000 Slaps to unlock. Killstreak is a slap-costing glove that costs 5,000 Slaps to unlock. Bob can be spawned using the Replica glove’s ability (which in turn costs 4,000 Slaps).

Have the player with the “bob” glove use its ability. Whichever player has the bob glove (whether you or someone else) must use the ability on one of the other players. The ability will summon the “bob” entity; all players must stand close to it once it appears. Try to position the targeted player on an object, like a tree or the Tycoon (if you choose to spawn it with the Tycoon glove) Bob can’t reach targets above him, so that’ll stop bob from reaching the targeted player.

Have the player with the “God’s Hand” glove use its ability. That ability will stop time, opening a portal that’ll teleport everyone to The Dark Realm (except for the player using the bob glove). The Dark Realm is where the Eternal BOB boss fight occurs.

Defeat the Eternal BOB boss enemy. Work with the other players to defeat the Eternal BOB; each of you will get 4 lives (which can be recovered with Tycoon upgrades), and the battle typically takes 45 to 60 minutes to complete. If you need some additional tips to get through the fight, keep the following in mind: During the fight, try dodging BOB’s shockwaves (they look like blue, glowing rings) by standing on objects—like crystals or pillars. If a meteor mark (an orange circle) appears, get out of the way to avoid damage. Try spawning a tycoon near the platform at the start of the fight; it’ll give everyone buffs (including a speed boost and regeneration). Slap BOB’s hands while they’re on the island and use God’s Hand to drain BOB’s health faster. You can also slap blue, glowing meteors toward BOB to attack it. Keep in mind that BOB will attack faster at 75% health, and meteors and shockwaves will move faster. BOB will also spawn minions at 50% health. However, players with Reaper and Killstreak can empower themselves by taking down minions.

Fight and defeat the other players working with you. After defeating the Eternal BOB, you’ll have to beat everyone else who fought with you, too. The goal is to be the last player standing—and if you win the group duel, the entity rob will grant you the rob glove as a reward.

Defeat the Eternal BOB boss’s final phase. However, there’s one more step to the process after getting rob—you still need to survive the final phase of Eternal BOB, this time by yourself. You'll keep the rob glove (and everybody else will get it, too) if you win and defeat Eternal BOB! Once Eternal BOB is defeated, you and the other players will be teleported back to the main world; you’ll also get the Emissary of Light badge in addition to rob. On the other hand, if you die in the final phase, you’ll get the Clipped Wings badge—but the other players won’t get anything.

What is the rob glove?

Rob is a special glove connected to the Emissary of Light badge. The rob glove has a white texture color and face rotating around it. In terms of lore, it’s been established that “rob” was created by scientists called “The Opposition” in order to stop bob—an evil entity depicted to be the opposite of rob. “Rob” stands for “Returner of Brightness,” with rob being described as kind and caring. The Opposition originally kept rob in his chamber while waiting for him to evolve, but rob eventually escaped (to The Opposition’s astonishment and anger). As a glove, rob’s power and speed are written on the banner as “rob” and “rob.” Compared to other gloves, however, rob’s power and speed are most likely around 52 and 16, respectively.

Rob Glove Abilities & Special Interactions

Rob’s ability is called “rob (rob really dislikes bob).” It forces the player to half, then plays an animation for 3 seconds—after which the player turns into “rob,” an entity that can float and is invulnerable to most slaps and attack abilities. When another player gets close to rob, their screen will get whiter—and when they make contact, they’re drawn into rob, consumed, and killed. Once that happens, the rob user reverts back to their usual player form. When you trigger the rob (rob really dislikes bob) ability, it’ll last for 10 seconds before you transform back to normal.

Players using the rob glove may encounter a special event. This special event can happen when the player becomes rob and touches bob; after that, the player and rob will separate, and rob and bob both float into the air before colliding. This causes a purple portal to appear, and it’ll grow, absorbing and killing nearby players when it gets to full size, then finally explode. The portal’s explosion causes a strong knockback to any players in the area. Players who get sucked into the portal with the Default glove equipped will end up in The Null Zone (where they can try to obtain the Null and Tinkerer gloves). Players who run into the portal with the Cannon glove from Slap Royale (and have enough Cursed Blast Energy) can also obtain the Divebomb glove.

Pros & Cons of the Rob Glove

Pros Generally, rob is a strong glove with good power and speed levels; transforming into rob makes you faster than the base walk speed and gives you the ability to fly to different islands. You can also jump while using the glove! As such, it’s easier to catch up to enemies or fleeing players with rob—and rob can bypass or counter a lot of abilities (like Reverse, Shield, Blasphemy, and buddies). Rob can also instantly kill players as long as they don’t have an active invincibility ability (such as Diamond, Golden, Phase, MEGAROCK, or CUSTOM). You can use the Mitten glove to gain and speed and jump boost before transforming into rob—then, once you’re rob, you’ll still gain those benefits (along with the other rob buffs).

Cons Although rob makes you fast, there are still gloves with speed abilities that can go faster (like Speedrun and Flash); because rob stops all movement during the transformation, players have a chance to get away unless you work to cut them off. The other major downsides are how much effort it takes to obtain rob (especially with the BOB boss) and its long activation time. When rob is active, it’s possible to kill players who get thrown into the ability randomly. Rob also isn’t immune to everything; rob users can still be killed by the Cube of Death, Reaper, and Counter abilities, and Pusher users can push rob mid-transformation. Additionally, Tableflip users can fling you mid-transformation, Jebaited users can counter rob’s ability, and Blink’s clone can protect the actual player from rob. Touching the big Slapple Island Tree and Halloween trees will cause rob to die.

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