Are You Consuming Nuts The Right Way? Ayurvedic Expert Lays Down Rules On Nuts Consumption
Are You Consuming Nuts The Right Way? Ayurvedic Expert Lays Down Rules On Nuts Consumption
Consuming nuts has been linked in epidemiologic research to lower rates of diabetes in women, gallstones, and coronary heart disease

Nuts are a healthy snack for your mid-meal cravings. Studies suggest nuts are nutrient-dense foods that are high in unsaturated fatty acids and other bioactive substances, including fiber, minerals, and other high-quality vegetable protein. Nuts have a special composition that makes them likely to have a positive impact on health outcomes. Consuming nuts has been linked in epidemiologic research to lower rates of diabetes in women, gallstones, and coronary heart disease. The advantages of consuming nuts cannot be negated, but an Ayurvedic expert raises some pertinent questions about your consumption pattern in her latest Instagram post.

Dr.Chaitali Rathod, agrees with several studies and says that “nuts are super healthy, essential, and extremely helpful to access a bunch of nutrients.” But she asks if the nuts are right for you and if you are consuming them in the right way.

The doctor lays down some ground rules for having nuts–

If you are confused as to when you should consume nuts, Dr. Chaitali says, “The best time to consume nuts is the morning after having 1 glass of lukewarm water.” However, if you forget in the morning, she says that it can be consumed in the evening as well.

The doctor mentions, that nuts are not something one should binge eat. She says, “If you want to access all of the nutrients of nuts and start bingeing on nuts, it could be a big mistake for your digestive system, it can lead to indigestion, weight gain, loss of appetite, and gastric issues as it has a large amount of fat.” Dr. Chaitali adds that our body accepts everything when consumed in moderation. In Ayurvedic terms, nuts are ‘Guru’ which, according to the expert, are heavy to digest.

Next, she highlights how nuts should be eaten. Always soak nuts for 7-8 hours before eating them. This improves the body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients like iron, protein, calcium, and zinc. Another benefit of soaking them is that since nuts have a hot potency, soaking them in water will have a cooling effect and remove a layer of the phytic acid that contributes to indigestion.

Last but not least, she clarifies who can and cannot eat nuts. Dr. Chaitali explains, “If you have disease conditions like indigestion, bloating, burning sensation, hyperactivity, IBS, Ulcerative colitis’ you should avoid nuts and keep your gut health strong.

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