Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently made headlines when she revealed about leaving Bollywood due to politics in the industry. Now, actress Neetu Chandra has reacted to the same. Chandra was speaking at an event recently when she shared that the same has happened to her too. She went on to say that it happens with everyone especially when you don’t come from a film family.
“Ye sabke sath hota hai, it is not like kisi ek ke sath hota hai (it happens with everyone, not just with a person in particular).” Neetu said and further added, “If you don’t come from a film family, you have to fight for opportunities in this industry. It takes time to do good work. Priyanka has felt it, I have felt it. A lot of other people have felt it. The point is whether you can come forward and speak about it or not. Like I have said earlier also.”
Earlier, Kangana Ranaut, Vivek Agnihotri and Shekhar Suman among others also came out in support of PeeCee.
For the unversed, in conversation with Dax Shepard, on Spotify’s podcast Armchair Expert, Priyanka revealed that she was tired of ‘politics’ in the Hindi film industry and also had ‘beef with people’. She also talked about being sidelined and said, “I was being pushed into a corner in the industry (Bollywood). I had people not casting me, I had beef with people, I am not good at playing that game so I kind of was tired of the politics and I said I needed a break.”
During the interaction, Priyanka also how she was ‘terrified’ when her films weren’t performing well at the box office. “I’m not a nepo baby. I didn’t have that kind of support that exists in a big way for other,” she shared.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka will next be seen in the Russo Brothers’ spy series Citadel alongside Game of Thrones’ fame Richard Madden. She also has another highly anticipated Hollywood rom-com Love Again with Sam Heugham and Celine Dion in her pipeline. Besides this, Priyanka will also be seen in Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zara with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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