The morning of July 07 brought in a piece of tragic news about the demise of veteran Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar. After being hospitalised for several days, the actor passed away at the age of 98. Kumar was facing age-related health issues and was undergoing medical treatment. He was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of a Mumbai hospital on June 30 after he complained of breathlessness. The heartbreaking news was shared via the official Twitter account of Dilip Kumar. His family friend, Faisal Farooqui, confirming the news wrote, “We are from God and to Him we return.”
Related: Dilip Kumar Death News Live Updates: Legendary Actor’s Mortal Remains Taken to Bandra Home; Tributes Continue to Pour In
During the ups and downs with his health, his wife Saira Banu stood by him like a strong pillar and is a pure example of selfless love. Kumar and Banu formed an adorable couple but the duo never had a child. Earlier in an interview with Hindustan Times, Kumar had said that he has no regrets for not having a child as we never faced a lack of contentment. The legendary actor had said that for the couple, their family was enough to share happiness and dismays.
Kumar had a career spanning over 5 decades and he has left a might legacy behind. When asked about who will carry forward his legacy, the actor had replied that he sees many capable actors who are willing to carry forward what he established back in time. The legendary actor shared a lovely bond with Bollywood King, Shah Rukh Khan. SRK has often visited the actor to take cognizance of his health. A few years ago, when Kumar was critical, SRK had paid him a visit along with his daughter Suhana Khan.
During an interview with Mumbai Mirror in 2017, Banu had opened up about the first meeting between Kumar and SRK. She recalled that it was at the muhurat of Hema Malini's directorial debut, Dil Aashna Hai, for which Shah Rukh was signed. Banu revealed that Kumar had given the ceremonial clap for the film.
According to Banu, Kumar and SRK are alike in many ways, and one of which is they both have similar hair. The former actress said that if they ever had a son, he might have looked like Shah Rukh.
It is also said that Shah Rukh had taken Kumar's autograph on a life-size poster of Madhubala and Salim. The poster has been mounted in his screening theatre.
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