Superstar Salman Khan paid tributes to "Bigg Boss" talent manager Pista Dhakad, who passed away in a road accident here. Dhakad, 25, died on Friday after her scooter slipped near Film City Road in suburban Mumbai and she was crushed under a van. Khan, who hosts the reality TV show, took to Twitter to express grief over Dhakad's untimely demise. "Rest in peace Pista..." the 55-year-old actor wrote on Twitter alongside his and the talent manager's photograph.
Mumbai: Superstar Salman Khan paid tributes to “Bigg Boss” talent manager Pista Dhakad, who passed away in a road accident here. Dhakad, 25, died on Friday after her scooter slipped near Film City Road in suburban Mumbai and she was crushed under a van. Khan, who hosts the reality TV show, took to Twitter to express grief over Dhakad’s untimely demise. “Rest in peace Pista…” the 55-year-old actor wrote on Twitter alongside his and the talent manager’s photograph.
On Saturday, TV actors Kamya Panjabi, Prince Narula, Devoleena Bhattacharjee, Yuvika Chaudhary, Shenaz Gill, Jasmin Bhasin and Himanshi Khurana had also paid tributes to the departed soul.
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