Summer Special: Ice Cream Recipes You Can Try at Home
Summer Special: Ice Cream Recipes You Can Try at Home
How can one miss the fun of ice cream during summers?

How can one miss the fun of ice cream during summers?

We all remember the time when we used to wait for the ice cream vendor during our summer vacations. You can relive those moments by preparing ice cream at home for your loved ones.

Here are a few ice cream recipes you can try at home:

Vanilla Ice Cream


Condensed milk

Whipped cream

Vanilla extract


1. Chill cream and condensed milk for overnight.

2. Take a bowl and pour condensed milk and vanilla extract.

3. Add whipped cream and stir well.

4. Transfer the content to a box, cover it with a food grade plastic sheet and freeze for 8 hours.

5. Scoop and serve.

Pistachio Ice Cream


Chopped pistachio


Whipped cream


Vanilla extract


Chill Milk and cream.

Freeze the incecream maker bowl.

Whisk milk, vanilla extract and sugar.

Once the sugar melts completely add cream and mix well.

Pour the mixer in the icecream maker machine and churn for 15-20 minutes.

Add chopped pistachio.

Add to freezer safe bowl and freeze for 6-8 hours.

Scoope and serve.

Chocolate Banana Icecream



Cocoa powder



Vanilla extract

Chocolate chunks


1. Slice the bananas and freeze it for 2 hours.

2. Mix cocoa, molasses and cream.

3. Blend the bananas to a smoooth paste.

4. Add cocoa cream to the banana puree and blend well.

5. Add it to freezer safe dish and freeze for 1 hour.

6. Blend well again for a smooth mixture. Repeat step 5 and 6 for 3 to 4 times.

7. Freeze till set.

8. Scoop and serve.

Coconut oreo ice cream


Coconut cream


Vanilla extract

Orea cookies


Refrigerate cream overnight.

Transfer the content in a bowl and whip.

Add sugar and mix well.

Whip till peaks form

Mix cookies and transfer to a freezer safe bowl.

Keep it in freezer overnight.

Scoop and serve.

Mango ice cream


Chilled cream

Mango cubes



1. Chill the bowl, beater and cream for few hours.

2. Add mango and sugar to a blender and blend till smooth puree.

3. Pour cream in the chilled bowl and whip till peaks.

4. Add mango puree to the whipped cream.

5. Add the mixture to freezer safe bowl and cover.

6. Freeze till set and serve.

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