Mindfulness: Your Attitude Decides Your Success In Life
Mindfulness: Your Attitude Decides Your Success In Life
There used to be a lion. His horrifying roar used to silence the entire forest. He loved sleeping. No one would dare come near him even during his sleep.

There’s a strange thing happening in the society. People prefer to make videos when they should be helping the needy. To be honest, we need to regain our tenderness, kindness and sensibilities.

There used to be a lion. His horrifying roar used to silence the entire forest. He loved sleeping. No one would dare come near him even during his sleep. His servants, fox and hyena, also used to ensure that his sleep remains undisturbed.

Once, while the lion was asleep, a rat came inside his cave. The rat was lost in this new place and suddenly he jumped on to the back of the lion. The loin woke up angry. He caught the rat and thundered, “How dare you?”

The rat immediately realized his mistake, but he kept his calm. The rat apologized and said, “You are king, it doesn’t suite you to kill a rat. Spare my life. I might be useful to you someday.”

The lion asked, “What can you do for me? But, I am impressed by your thinking. Go but never repeat this mistake in the future.”

The rat ran away, thanking his gods.

After some days, a hunter came to the forest. He knew that the best time to catch the lion is in the afternoon. Finally, he caught the lion, and took a short break for sleeping. That was the time, when the rat reached the spot. He remembered his promise. The rat called in his friends, and finally got the lion freed.

This story reminds me of life. We never know who can help us and at what time. Our life is not decided by how we behave with ‘the lion’. The course of life is decided by how we behave with people who are ‘small’ in our eyes. So make helping others a part of your nature. It never goes in vain.

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