One of the most prevalent and serious mental ailments is depression. A huge population worldwide suffers from this. It’s imperative to realize that depression isn’t the same as being sad. It’s alright to feel low or demotivated at some point or the other for a certain time frame. But depression is more constant condition stemming from a biological basis, that prevails over a longer period. It’s a serious mood disorder that causes a significant impact on your health and quality of life.
Depression is something that needs time and care to combat. Acknowledging it, getting the right treatment, making room for positive outlook are very crucial in the course of recovery. While each person’s recovery from depression is different, there are signs that act as harbinger of good news of healing.
1. Decrease in frequency of relapses: Limited relapses is a very promising sign of healing from depression. Millions suffer from bouts of depression even after they are almost on their way of recovery. But, if these relapses tend to reduce then consider this as a positive development.
2. Increased Daily Activities: Depression impacts one’s physical activities immensely, besides mental health. One tends to sleep more, remain inactive, feel lethargic, exhibit all signs of laziness. However, if a person is on the path of recovery, the aforementioned signs will fade away and one would be into exercises, doing household chores, meditation, reading. A person will be able to carry out day to day activities smoothly. For instance,
3. Enhanced social interactions, wherein the patient will voluntarily step out of isolation and would feel at ease when around family, friends. Throwing parties, or being amidst people would provide solace. This is a progress indicator as the patient is opening up, and getting life back on track.
4. New found interest in fun activities- be it hobbies, going on trips, learning something new- are a sign that one has renewed vigour and energy, and healing from depression.
5. Also ensuring basic personal hygiene such as brushing teeth, taking a shower, combing hair, washing clothes, shaving, maintaining a tidiness – are signs of recuperating.
6. Resuming work is another sign that healing is in full swing. Breaking the shackles of alienation, willing to commence normal lifestyle like heading to office, interacting with colleagues, taking responsibilities, being at helm of one’s life are some of the signs of growth and development that can be considered as a cure for depression.
7. Taking initiative to cook and eat healthy as opposed to eating leftovers or ordering food is a great step/sign of recovery.
8. Reduced grumpiness: Not losing temper or getting irritated, frustrated easily, means depression is retracting. The ability to think rationally, calmly is an indication of recovery from depression.
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