Tarot today: Do you smile at strangers?
Tarot today: Do you smile at strangers?
How you can bring a little sparkle into the life of another being today.

Is it possible to take a few seconds today to:

Smile at somebody you don’t know.

Help a new colleague figure out the processes.

Pick up an old lady’s bags for a few minutes.

How about calling up a friend who’s still coming to terms with divorce?

Or simply buying a pack of biscuits for the friendly mongrel at the parking lot?

The Tarot Angel brings a message to all of us on Tuesday reminding us about the beauty and power inherent in the gift of kindness. Step out of your routine for a few seconds. Forget about your problems for a minute. And think of how you can bring a little sparkle into the life of another being today.

Smile, lend a hand, give a shoulder. Even a few minutes can make that difference to someone’s life. Go and try it!

(From the desk of Mita Bhan - www.mitabhan.com)

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