Spectre of drought looms large
Spectre of drought looms large

Scanty rainfall has badly affected agricultural operations in Balasore district, one of the leading paddy cultivating districts of Odisha. The coastal district may face drought-like situation if it does not rain in a week.

The weather had been playing truant with the farmers here for the last couple of years. While in 2008 and 2009, the entire northern region of the district battled with severe floods, this year the paddy saplings have withered and in many areas farmers are yet to carry out transplantation due to water stress condition.

According to sources, there has been a deficit of 56 per cent in rainfall during June-July. As against the anticipated 530.1 mm, the district received only 222.2 mm. “While June recorded a deficit rainfall of 102 mm against the normal 221.5 mm, July was no better at 120.2 mm against the expected 308.6 mm,” said an agriculture official.

With only 55,000 hectare irrigated, most farmers in the district depend on rain. The sowing of seeds has been done in only 86,000 hectare. Kharif and rabi crops are cultivated in around 2.69 lakh and 1.01 lakh hectares respectively in the district.

The situation is no better in Bhadrak with seeds being sown in around 60,000 hectares against the target of 1,62,000 hectares. Bhadrak has recorded a rainfall deficit of 31.2 per cent so far.

The two coastal districts rank among the top five rice-producing districts in the State.

The administration sources said the threat of drought looms large over at least eight blocks of the district. But unofficially all the 12 blocks are facing drought-like situation with the coastal areas being the worst hit.

Even as the weather officials hope late rains would mitigate the situation, a lot of damage has already been done. A farmer Nilamani Behera said paddy, which is the dominant kharif crop in the area, has been badly hit. Other crops like pulses, vegetables and fodder have also suffered. The paddy saplings have almost dried up, he added.

Meanwhile, people in various parts of the district are organising ‘Yajnas’ to invoke rain God.

Deputy Director of Agriculture (DDA) Laxman Murmu said farmers had cultivated paddy in the areas where irrigation facilities are available. “So far we have achieved only 40 per cent of the target. The farmers would definitely face drought if it does not rain by August 15. We have appealed to the Government to provide irrigation facilities in other areas,” he said.

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