Social media gets together to help rain-battered Chennai
Social media gets together to help rain-battered Chennai
From food, shelter to mobile phone recharges, people are helping fellow residents face the brunt of this natural calamity.

Chennai is reeling under non-stop torrential rains leaving several parts of the city waterlogged completely disrupting normal life. Apart from the help from Army, Navy and other authorities, vigilant residents have also come together to extend their hand of support in whichever way possible.

From food, shelter to mobile phone recharges, people are helping fellow residents face the brunt of this natural calamity.

Utilising social media to the optimum, residents are getting together through hashtags on Twitter and Facebook to spread information. Google spreadsheets have also been made so that people who need help can put in details. Apart from that, volunteers are also sharing their details in google spreadsheets so that the authorities and NGOs can have a list of people to reach out to for help.

Several people are readily opening the doors of their homes to accommodate those in need, adding their details in Google spreadsheets.

#chennairains Tweets

#ChennaiRainsHelp Tweets

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