Saudi plane makes emergency landing
Saudi plane makes emergency landing
A Saudi plane, with more than 350 passengers on board, has made an emergency landing at Santa Cruz airport in Mumbai.

New Delhi: A Saudi plane has made an emergency landing at Santa Cruz airport in Mumbai.

The right inboard engine of the 747 belonging to Saudi caught fire on takeoff. The plane has made an emergency landing at Santa Cruz.

The plane had taken off from Mumbai with more than 350 passengers on board.

"The aircraft departed from Mumbai airport at 1415 hrs, IST for Jeddah, after which the pilot reported that one of its four engines had failed," a spokesperson for Mumbai International Airport Limited told PTI.

The plane then returned to Mumbai and made an emergency landing at the airport at around 15 hrs IST.

All passengers were reported to be safe and the aircraft was moved to a bay in the airport after they alighted, he said.

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